General [Contest] 30+ Eggs in one Basket


Ecstatic Orb
On that note; Nemo and @Onderzeeboot would you like to be included as well? Both of you didn't have 180 cards at the time of posting (although I see Nemo has upped their count to 180 now), but in the spirit of not taking deadlines too strictly I can at least add the cubes to voting this Friday.
I don’t think my cube qualifies. I didn’t even get around to cutting it back to 180, and I only put it out there as an inspiration to others! :)
On that note; @Nemo and @Onderzeeboot would you like to be included as well? Both of you didn't have 180 cards at the time of posting (although I see Nemo has upped their count to 180 now), but in the spirit of not taking deadlines too strictly I can at least add the cubes to voting this Friday.
I wouldn't mind being in the list, but I fully expect that my pile of related cards is too rough to get votes. I needed to do more homework. I think it's an entertaining looking pile to glance at, though. A two mana artifact creature makes a good egg. (Mister Gutsy is even better - that was a great choice!)
Without any real playtests it's difficult to really balance anything, let alone make that (im)balance apparent at first glance. I'll mainly be looking at the impact of the egg on the drafting and deckbuilding, not gameplay directly.