General Custom Cards: The Lab


Ecstatic Orb
I just realized all my AIrt links are to a website that’s locked behind a Discord account…

Edit: Fixed?
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Ecstatic Orb
Would that mean he can't use the original mana symbols anymore?
I'm very curious about that, yes, because the mana symbols are trademarked as well. I hope he can reach some agreement with WotC that still allows us to create some awesome custom Magic cards with mana symbols :)
The Gang Designs a MTG Card Without Using Any of the Important/Useful symbols MTG Has Developed For Gameplay Purposes
I find it strange that a tap symbol is copyrighted. Many games use it and it is very natural. It is like copyrighting the hand sign you should use when you bike and want to make a turn.
Furthermore, they just should make great cards. When a company resorts to blackmail it is often a sign that things are not going as planned.
To be clear "protecting trademark" is not "blackmail", it's a very established legal procedure. In the US at least, if you don't protect it you lose it. I don't know what agreement they have about like "casually using it" that was referenced in the CC post, but otherwise yeah they have to protect it or they lose it altogether.

I'm not sure if the tap symbol MTG uses is trademarked or not.

Trademark being different than Copyright. Trademark is attachment of certain materials to a brand, protected in a way that others can't promote unrelated brands using that material. Copyright is the ownership of rights to reproduce content, products, designs, etc., and doens't require active protection. It's automatically granted to an entities original works, and derivative works as applicable. (again, all US).

And none of this to say I necessarily agree with the decision on their part. I don't think CC was attempting to use those materials for a brand purpose.
I find it strange that a tap symbol is copyrighted. Many games use it and it is very natural. It is like copyrighting the hand sign you should use when you bike and want to make a turn.
Furthermore, they just should make great cards. When a company resorts to blackmail it is often a sign that things are not going as planned.
I love designing cards on conjurer, and I print my own proxies, but I can understand that this makes it to easy to make proxies. And I can understand if you'r spending money to design a game of playing cards, that's not very fun if people build a site to steal your designs.

There are a lot of choices which wizards make which I can't support, such the M30 debacle, prices etc. But yeah, this is pretty logical.


Ecstatic Orb
The Gang Designs a MTG Card Without Using Any of the Important/Useful symbols MTG Has Developed For Gameplay Purposes
Ravenous Assimileech (1).jpg
Art link

Nailed it! (Assuming they didn't trademark a black dot, and knowing that the set symbol isn't integral to the design :p)

Edit: Corrected some grammatical errors and added a way to offset the inherent card disadvantage for a relatively weak body.
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