General Custom Cards: The Lab

Those also only give 1 card for delve/Delirium/threshold,where mine could give 2(3 for the surveil 2 version.)

Not relevant.

The requirement is to fuel delve and not fuel it as much as possible.

I will agree that they do not fuel Young Pyromancer so I guess your 2 mana version is a bit stronger than the 0 mana versions. But it also costs 2 more mana. However you are 100 % correct and I do not think anymore that I can find a 0 mana card to will trigger all of the requirements.

I think people will get a shock when they try it out. They will believe they have some efficient filtering in their deck but realize how costly it is to be 1 card down. All comparable cards replace themselves cheaper. The scry and surveil lands are already a card when they are played to the battlefield as a land. Cards like Preordain draws immediately and therefore have value.
Five spells that explain - as interpellated through gameplay! - what happened to the Antepassion clans. For more on this please see my notes in my cube thread or the RipLab discord server. The idea is that these are solid roleplayers that are, situationally and in the early game, evocative role-playing pieces that tell my greater 'passion of tarkir' story, so they have to make it into decks; so that they make compelling early plays and stories.


PS the Temur one is just Legolas's Quick Reflexes but counterable and with Sharzad flavour text, but it's still evocative, right?

Overall I like them. They are evocative and cool.

With all thy hybrid mana they are super easy to cast. They can even be cast in monocolor decks. Is that on purpose?

I think the Sultai one is too strong. It will often kill two creatures for one card.

Annan should have the uncounterable on top.
Killer art choices as usual. The abzan one trips me out, as if my eye can't find the right zoom/focus setting.

Jeskai's union of flavor text and rules text and physical action is amazing ludonarratively. It's like a robinhood arrow-splitting-own-arrow slam dunk.

Being able to cast the Threaten for BB feels wrong to me, r/b r/w would feel better.
But I assume there's something thematically going on here, where you want the three defeated clans to all be castable for BB?

Love the cardframes.


Ecstatic Orb
Five spells that explain - as interpellated through gameplay! - what happened to the Antepassion clans. For more on this please see my notes in my cube thread or the RipLab discord server. The idea is that these are solid roleplayers that are, situationally and in the early game, evocative role-playing pieces that tell my greater 'passion of tarkir' story, so they have to make it into decks; so that they make compelling early plays and stories.


PS the Temur one is just Legolas's Quick Reflexes but counterable and with Sharzad flavour text, but it's still evocative, right?
You uploaded Temur Endurance instead of End of the Temur :) Some of these feel a bit out of pie for certain hybrid cost choices (e.g. WG to have an opponent exile a card from their hand), but they all seem nice. End of the Mardu feels the most narrow, as it needs your opponent to attack with two creatures, preferably of similar size, to force a trade.

I agree with Velrun that the Sultai one is way too cheap. That card will always kill two creatures for only two mana.
Hey y'all. I was in the middle of uploading my custom cube to CubeArtisan, but now the site is apparently down. I liked using it because it allowed me to change card names and typelines, and directly link Imgur pics. The cube file was really starting to shape up, and I'm kind of bummed out that I can't keep working on it.

Are there any other cube curation sites with a "CubeCobra-like" interface, but with the added ability to change the names of cards in the list?


Ecstatic Orb
Hey y'all. I was in the middle of uploading my custom cube to CubeArtisan, but now the site is apparently down. I liked using it because it allowed me to change card names and typelines, and directly link Imgur pics. The cube file was really starting to shape up, and I'm kind of bummed out that I can't keep working on it.

Are there any other cube curation sites with a "CubeCobra-like" interface, but with the added ability to change the names of cards in the list?
CubeArtisan will be back online. No ETA, but the problem is known. Unfortunately, the owner’s time is occupied by things beyond her control at the moment. Once those things solve themselves, she’ll get the site back up and running. Another person had already volunteered to help out, so next time this happens the private matters of one person won’t be a bottleneck anymore for keeping the site up and running.

Chris Taylor

Some more stuff I've made recently to try and cut down on the number of bespoke tokens in my cube:

Knightshifted The Wandering Emperor, one of my favorite planeswalker designs of all time but also basically alone in making 2/2 samurai (other than Experimental Synthesizer, technically. Most people don't use that ability too often.)
Loreheads don't@ me, this is fine, my cube already contains a ton of alt history anyways, and you're always a little boxed in when making a planeswalker.

01 Infested Exorcist.png
Germshifted Skyclave Apparition. There's not a ton of ways to make an X/X, and there's fewer still that I run, but this works. I'm almost 100% sure there's better more evocative art for this out there somewhere, but this works for now.

01 Shaderouser.png
Spiritshifted Sanguine Evangelist, for all your makes and buffs tokens needs.


Also a version of tribal flames that actually has "any target" on it.
I'm unsure which other burn spells I'm running right now which are different to their oracle text, but I'd love to at some point be able to confidently say everything plays as printed.


I don't love any of the arts for spell pierce at present, and its fast becoming my favorite one mana protect-a-threat spell due to the increased flexibility ahead of stuff like emerge unscathed or slip out the back. These cards are already often niche picks, I think being able to deploy them offensively is important.