Hollow Drifter is, uh, holy shit, so busted. Yes please I'll take a Frantic Search rider on every fetchland. I actually have no idea how to cost that ability appropriately but

over your stock three-mana growing Wind Drake is not the right answer.
Uh... Wow. I can't believe I missed that interaction when I omitted nonland on purpose. Let's try something else, shall we...
^ This is kinda... less awesome, isn't it?
^ Maybe this?
Inevitable Adversary is cool. 3/2 maybe so you actually cast it more than once? 3/4 for 3 is getting into Hearthstone stats territory and while it's not unprecedented in recent sets I can't imagine how I'd deal with 3+ in a game.
"I know," he said with a pained voice, "but I already have two 3/2 colorless eldrazi in my cube, and another one would feel like an oversaturation of that P/T combination. Yes, I know I run 450 cards in my cube, that does not change my feelings!"
In other words, I don't want to make it another 3/2, there has to be another solution, right? Let's start with playtesting and see if it really is annoying I guess?