Mystic Speculation was a great engine late game. Over a couple turns, I think scry 3 was probably a little better than draw a card. I only ever played it for 1 mana once, for prowess and double strike with Shu Yun.
Wrecked with this pile of hot garbage last night.
(I tried quoting people's posts and copying deck tags to make it work but its just impossible)
This deck was a blast. I didn't even know what archetype I was playing half the time but the deck consistently ran smoothly and always had ways of playing however it needed to. I don't know how I did this. We were trying to figure out how the deck was actually working and if being really flexible and hard to predict is a distinct theater. Or maybe its just aggro-combo-control-midrange-stuff.
Tempt is fantastic. Its basically a better Secure the Wastes.
counterpoint: it isn't an instant
Also, Daretti, Ingenious Iconoclast is probably a lot less oppressive in a cube that also comfortably runs Grim Monolith, Worn Powerstone and Treachery![]()
Actual lol
Don't think I'm dissing your cube though. While it's at a higher power level than most people here are aiming for, that deck looks amazing!
I know, I know
As it so happens, I'm waiting on Kaladesh to wrap up in order to hammer out a presentable form of a more Riptide-Friendly cube. I've been wanting to experiment with a more draft-like environment for a little while now, and have been working on one with a carefully throttled power level. My Innistrad cube fell through a bit, unfortunately, due to a variety of factors... but I think you guys will like this one when I'm done with it.
I think in a lower power environment there's already enough energy cards available. There's only a few of them, mostly the energy generating ones, that seem largely unplayable.
I think that energy would be best restricted to a single color pair, maybe U/R (for that U/R token guy and dynavolt tower, maybe?) in order to be able to fill an archetype without breaking singleton. The problem there though is that you basically have a deck that's either 'strictly worse' without synergy, or baseline good, with synergy making it waaay too strong. I'm currently at a 'wait and see' phase on energy.
Yay finally a cube night this year! Worldknit went with zero match or game losses. Here's the beauty:
Aether Searcher was hooked to Ulamog.
Brago was the real MVP of the deck. It always had something good to flicker. Was cute with Kaya.
So.... is this just a pile of insane cards?