I like this. Little bit of synergy upside, nice payoff, and it's probably smother (fetchlands) in a deck that doesn't care which is a fine floor.
I've been running
Ghastly Demise for a while which I like, but I don't love the nonblack restriction and there is something to be said for a 1 mana instant speed killspell that works on people's curve toppers, even if you've gotta put in work for it.

This is a nice goober. There's a good amount of play to the first ability, and the 2nd ability is a nice post hoc kicker.

Take me home! West Virginia...
Anyways. That token is hilarious.
This is a fine bailout clause for a land, but this aint it.

There's a lot of extra text on this, but it's still a
Savannah Lions with an ability you can use when it's not attacking, and also cycling.
Your additive distraction may vary, but also maybe this is protecting
the odd cat in your cube.

I'm not on Aristocrats anymore, but a 2 mana no questions asked sac outlet (once per turn sure) plus maybe one day a payoff? I could be interested.
Max Speed being as slow as it is (ironically) means I'd consider this just on the level of like
figure of destiny level 3

Interesting card. 2 mana is a pretty cheap karnstruct but it's always boltable so this is pretty manageable.
Again that max speed thing is almost never going to come up, but it's a really interesting carrot

Now don't get me wrong: this seems really sweet. The tokens being tapped and grounded (as opposed to
drake haven) is a big deal, but also just being a reasonable vehicle goes a long way

Someone's been waiting for this for years I guarantee it

Also just to pile on everyone's least favorite baby yoda gremlin, this card makes me laugh in that I see what they were going for, and it doesn't quite land

Like yes, my favorite 3 cards from Alpha: Lightning Bolt, Ancestral Recall, and ....Green Lotus?
Also neat that they tried to give him a keyword from each color, ya?
You know, red double strike, and...green haste (okay sure they do that) and blue vigilance? (Shit)