This does a lot of damage, and also might just be the kind of card you don't want on a sorcery if its going to be effective given how all or nothing it is.
At least
Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas gives your opponent a turn.
@TrainmasterGT Looks like they listened to your cycling complaint
I sure hope none of the alt art in the set sexualizes a dead body!
But what if the zombies are snugglin

D'awwww I love him! Gives a lot of the same stuff as
Hopeful Initiate, which ended up being solid. One more solid 1 drop for the +1/+1 counters perverts

I'm interested! I was kinda put off by the each player wording at first but honestly I don't think this would be made less wordy by putting like like "Also you can sacrifice a creature when this ETBs, if you do put 2 +1/+1 counters on this" etc

Weird fact of the day, did you know
Counsel of the Soratami (Champions of Kamigawa) predates
Divination (M10)?
Various enviornments will prefer this or
Quick Study for various reasons, and 5 is a pretty good number to hit mostly what you want but not be
demonic tutor.

We also got another
refurbish which lets your vehicles go driverless.

For the niche application of RW deck with permanents that wants a conditional sweeper, this is an interesting one.
Sure it won't bankrupt your opponent like
wildfire can and if you've got a lot of ETB targets for this a sweeper seems like an odd choice, but I could be convinced