General [DFT] Aetherdrift

I confess that I'm kinda curious about how they're going to square his Just A Silly Little Guy appearance with any adult Fomori we might see.

At this time I find Loot to be a desperate producer's wet-dream to cash in on baby-yoda two years too late.

But if an inspired set director starts having Loot kick teeth in like Naruto accessing his red-chakra for the first time I am going to pop the fuck off with excitement

@TrainmasterGT Looks like they listened to your cycling complaint :p
This genuinely looks like a good card for my Battle Box!
I feel like I'm being powercreeped.
also, theme giga sux

A couple cards I'm kind of interested in:

Vehicles are kind of funny blink targets. I try to stay away from brainless value targets for my blink spells and instead make the etb effects more contextually powerful, but putting them on vehicles gives you a tiny extra hurdle to jump through, which I think is fun. That said, not a big fan of Pathcruiser's crew cost, or Cruiser's vehicle trinket text.
Hoping exhaust can also deliver some cool etb targets.
One card that did not get much attention yet is this beautiful shark:


At first glance it looks a bit like a commander plant but I think it has potential [for cubes that have some amount of looting/rummaging/self-discard].

The closest comparison is Rielle, the Everwise and that card has been either lackluster or very good. The problem with Rielle is, that you can rarely send her to the red zone and she dies to a stiff breeze. Ward two on the shark and 4 toughness is also nice, as it's not so easy to remove.

The trigger has a lot of words but is quite elegant in its applications. It can be used as a combat trick with instant speed discard (spells or abilities, I would LOVE to pair this with Wild Mongrel). The trigger is worded in a way, that Faithless Looting will give +4/+0 to one creature and draw a card on combat damage. With a wild mongrel you can discard three cards after blocks are declared and give up to three creatures +2/+0 and draw a card OR you give your thopter token +6/+0 and it will draw three cards, as three delayed triggers are generated. That's a lot of flexibility!

On paper it sounds great to me and I will take out Rielle over the shark, because it's more proactive and looks fun. Also look at that fish with its gold chains and tattoos.
knowing very little about the context or the character, to call an infant "loot", i feel like fits with the general societal bad attitude of thinking of children as property. it sucks but it's the status quo i guess. wesley crusher ass