So this card is good in a way that probably makes it not so great
Like okay sweet, another 2/1 for B for your aristocrats deck which specifically wants to load up on as many copies (virtual or otherwise) of
gravecrawler (Who got sweet new amonkhet art in the EDH deck btw).
I figure if there's any deck which can reliably get to max speed, it's the deck with
blood artist effects and
goblin bombardment effects, so that text is probably a lot more live than other max speed cards, especially by virtue of being on a 1 drop.
Dockside Chef is probably a lower floor higher ceiling (?!) version of this effect, and I will say the mana on a sac outlet really REALLY matters, like 2 is so much more than 1 which is so much more than free, the exact same way
gravecrawler loops are so much more explosive than
bloodsoaked champion loops
Now that all being said, what this does for your aristocrats player is give them more of what they already have, and the possibility of a "cheap" sac outlet depending on how their game goes.
I'm the kind of person where this name makes me go "Heh" and move on, but I know that aint everybody.

On the other end of the spectrum, this seems like a neat little low power beater to me. Solid but not overbearing body, nice utility, it's not even that in your face with the car stuff.