General [DFT] Aetherdrift

One of _the_ laziest ways to make something new stand out towards old cards is just to crank up numbers. I don't see any finess in that card what so ever. Like, you only have 20 life in magic! Creatures need to be a particular size for the game to make sense

Well put and thank you for explaining for me.
Wait, they aren't talking about literal Savannah Lions in Standard?


(In all seriousness, I'm baffled that they reprinted Savannah Lions as an uncommon in 2024.)
I agree, keeping the Lions at uncommon feels a little weird from a power level/value perspective. I think in the context of retail limited it makes a reasonable amount of sense, though. Foundations draft feels like older limited sets where your deck tends to be a lot less about drafting one of the synergy archetypes and more about building around a bomb and trying to curve out. That's not to say there aren't cool synergistic things to do, but they tend to be on a card-by-card level rather than a format level. The "Youthful Valkyrie deck" is a good example of this which I have seen come together a couple of times. In the context of a more conservative and card-based format, I think keeping Savannah Lions at uncommon makes a little more sense than it would in most other environments.

Has this been shared yet? I think the tap ability will likely keep this from being really good, but it's an interesting take on Krark-Clan Ironworks. Definitely feels more suited to fueling on massive spell rather than comboing out like KCI. 3 mana per sacrifice is a lot and it can sacrifice itself.

I've got a lot of artifact synergies in Black in my cube and some surveil-matters stuff from Guilds of Ravnica, so I am definitely interested in this one. The 3 CMC artifact that promotes cycling is probably also going to get in there. As ever, surprised by some of the clean designs that they snuck into the set.

I've got a lot of artifact synergies in Black in my cube and some surveil-matters stuff from Guilds of Ravnica, so I am definitely interested in this one. The 3 CMC artifact that promotes cycling is probably also going to get in there. As ever, surprised by some of the clean designs that they snuck into the set.

I think I like this more than Executioner's Capsule?....a card that I wish was good enough for my cube. I think -2/-2 kills enough in my cube to give it a test. I'm a sucker for these types of permanents....efficient baseline, etb that can be blinked/welded, and fuels the graveyard

Hopefully the first of a set
If an opponent loses life multiple times during your turn, does your speed increase each time?

e: Just spotted the "once" in the reminder text, nvm.


Ecstatic Orb
Check out @gaytransmulldrifter and my official preview card: Locust Spray!

Learn all about it (and MicroCubes!) in the second episode of The Pack One Slick Ones Podcast!
To chime in, cube isn’t a format, in my mind. The format you play when using your Cube is (most likely) draft or sealed. Cube is to Magic as world building is to D&D. You could run a campaign in a published adventure (i.e. drafting a retail set), or you could run a campaign in your own custom world (i.e. drafting your cube). It’s D&D (or whatever your RPG of choice is) regardless of what world you’re playing in, but having players play in your own world is simply magical. The format is still draft, you’re “just” changing the decor :)
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Very excited about the early success of your podcast, folks! Congrats on getting a spoiler so early in your journey as well :)

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The final vanilla legendary is out. I like that it's an artifact creature, but unsurprisingly, it's not the 3/1 I was hoping for! I don't completely hate it all the same, but yeah, none of these will make my list, unfortunately.


It does cross-synergize with quite a few archetypes for Cubes across power levels. I know I talk about the WRubrg "historic aggro" archetype I've been loving, but something that keeps getting close in a similar vein is the Wx artifact aggro deck. I'm already playing cards that could be considered enablers like:

But I've been a bit light on payoffs, as all of those cards do fine on their own (and yes, Assaultron Dominator is irritatingly my only energy card, but I do like it that much). The only one I run is Steel Overseer, and that was just re-introduced as part of my joyous anticipation of Stridehangar Automaton.

There are plenty of payoffs I've really enjoyed that have either been relegated to my on-deck binder or are getting ready to build the archetype in my reject Cube like:

Maybe some of these will have a second chance at the big leagues? Perhaps we're not too far from that.

Which would enable other sick cards like:

Look, I'm not going to pretend this is all that deep of a mechanic, but I think there's something there, particularly with all the Servos and Thopters I've got running around.



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I...really think I might end up playing this one too, even if it's much less wanted/needed in blue. Brainsurge has been in and out of my list, but I think these two pirates are definitely the push I needed to support them.