General [DFT] Aetherdrift

memory guardian.png

I will not apologize for liking this little guy.

Again, for its ATROCIOUS art direction (not on my li'l guardian! but overall), this set has quite a few clean designs that I do really love and am excited to pick up for future Cube projects.


this one is bad both from an art direction and a specific art pov! but it's actually pretty good I think. I ran Reprisal until quite recently, and it's a great effect at 2MV especially with all the aforementioned power-and-toughness-creep in Magic design. having cycling puts it over the edge into playability for me...but the art makes me never want to even imagine double-sleeving this bad boy up



but where's his face
memory guardian.png

I will not apologize for liking this little guy.

Again, for its ATROCIOUS art direction (not on my li'l guardian! but overall), this set has quite a few clean designs that I do really love and am excited to pick up for future Cube projects.
I think the Guidelight Voyagers have a pretty charming aesthetic overall. I think they're probably going to show up in Edge of Eternities later this year, so I'm excited about that!

Diversion Unit is super cute, I'm probably going to pick one up for my battle box!
I don't know if everyone read the article about how play packs, or whatever the hell they're called, would have more removal at common in order to combat the increased density of rares, but it's really beneficial for retail.

They've printed a 4 mana instant-speed super-bounce at common a lot lately. A little bit of upside on most of those to support themes. They're not premier cards or anything, but they're always useful and I'm happy to see them keep coming.

Enchantment density in DSK and artifact density in DFT allows Disenchant variants to see main deck play so that you don't get blown out by a random noncreature permanent.

The Disenchant effects themselves are more playable, too.
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Right now, this is probably my most anticipated card in the set. Sure, there's a ton of cool new artifact/token/graveyard toys for Welder's Workshop, but I think this Marshals' Pathcruiser is the card that will finally give me critical mass to add a 5-color rewards package to my peasant cube, Multivalent.

By the way, this is very lovely and now I want to put a similar subtheme in my peasant Cube. I guess that a couple of these cards won't hurt, people already love drafting five-colour decks
This sounds intriguing. Where can the original article be found.
If the Play Boosters have more rares/mythic rares on average, will that mean more bombs in Limited formats?

There will be more cards of a rare and mythic rare power level, but adapting to that (making sure players have more answers at lower rarities) is part of how R&D is adjusting our set designs. All our playtests have been done with this in mind, and they've been very enjoyable.
I don't know if that's the exact article. I seem to have a memory of the article mentioning O Ring type effects as a staple answer, but maybe I assumed that.
I don't know if that's the exact article. I seem to have a memory of the article mentioning O Ring type effects as a staple answer, but maybe I assumed that.
I think it was actually in one of MaRo’s design articles where he discussed O-Rings becoming a new staple effect at common. I can’t quite remember where, though.
Okay I am going to be an unmitigated hater for three paragraphs, thing-enjoyers feel free to sit this one out.

Something about reading this card near the end of a spoiler season for yet another trope-reference-core bullshit set broke something inside me forever I think. The way this design just screams at you that the game is spinning it's wheels. That there is no more interesting ground that they are willing to cover. It's Goblin Rabblemaster variants until the end of time. Every few sets another red 3 drop that makes goblins and they have to attack probably and something else happens maybe and the earth continues to rotate around the sun.

Who could love this pale imitation of a pale imitation of a fun idea for a card from ten years ago? A few people will talk about it's marginal upside and how it has an interesting dynamic with blah blah blah could you LOVE this card? Truly love it? It says "Start your engines!" on it as it's first line of text and tells you nothing about what that could possibly mean.

I got a similar feeling reading Oviya, Automech Artisan. Like, damn okay. I guess I was a fucking idiot for ever thinking that Elvish Piper was cool. You're right, it wasn't cool. It needed to be a named character and it needed a line of multiplayer text that reads like a logic puzzle and it needed to pay off your cars. You fucking buffoon.
Okay my turn

Commander players look away!

What the f is going on here in a Standard-released set??

No one needs to answer. I know the answer. I just don’t like it. Wizards you suck.
Howlsquad Heavy is probably pretty cool with a sharpie, though. Just take off all the speed bullshit, let it have the mana ability from the start, and sure it can have the Rabblemaster thing too I see the synergy there
Okay I am going to be an unmitigated hater for three paragraphs, thing-enjoyers feel free to sit this one out.

Something about reading this card near the end of a spoiler season for yet another trope-reference-core bullshit set broke something inside me forever I think. The way this design just screams at you that the game is spinning it's wheels. That there is no more interesting ground that they are willing to cover. It's Goblin Rabblemaster variants until the end of time. Every few sets another red 3 drop that makes goblins and they have to attack probably and something else happens maybe and the earth continues to rotate around the sun.

Who could love this pale imitation of a pale imitation of a fun idea for a card from ten years ago? A few people will talk about it's marginal upside and how it has an interesting dynamic with blah blah blah could you LOVE this card? Truly love it? It says "Start your engines!" on it as it's first line of text and tells you nothing about what that could possibly mean.

I got a similar feeling reading Oviya, Automech Artisan. Like, damn okay. I guess I was a fucking idiot for ever thinking that Elvish Piper was cool. You're right, it wasn't cool. It needed to be a named character and it needed a line of multiplayer text that reads like a logic puzzle and it needed to pay off your cars. You fucking buffoon.

Who could love this pale imitation of a pale imitation of a fun idea for a card from ten years ago? A few people will talk about it's marginal upside and how it has an interesting dynamic with blah blah blah could you LOVE this card? Truly love it? It says "Start your engines!" on it as it's first line of text and tells you nothing about what that could possibly mean.

The worst part, for me, is that it's just a less cohesive card than Rabblemaster.

Rabblemaster is effectively a Goblin Assault on legs, and just feels ultra-goblin-y. You also don't get the full value out of the card unless you attack with it, which introduces potential counter-play. He's just a solid little clock that does one thing and we love him for it.

Heavy, on the other hand, might as well be an enchantment that poops out goblins and casts Brightstone Ritual every turn in the late game. Why would you attack with it? That just puts the good thing you've got going for you at risk, and we all know how risk-averse goblins are...

There is absolutely no reason why this card is an Alchemy card except Aetherdrift Alchemy needs cards. But of course there is also nothing against this being an Alchemy card per se.