So obviously this 'every card in a PT-winning deck' Cube being touted by various people is a terrible idea, but there's some value in going back and looking at some sweet Constructed decks to see if the fun parts of them can be replicated or have anything to teach us. And thus, some Block/Standard decks that might be relevant:
First up, some 3 colour control decks from Rav Block or Rav/Kami and Rav/TSP Standard. The original Ravnica was magical for Constructed, and Standard in particular was great during that time:
As much as you people hate them the main reason these decks worked was Signets, which continue to be pariahs for reasons beyond my understanding.
Here, an illustration of what happens when psycho Europeans get their hands on perfect manafixing:
The same top 8 also featured 5 colour Merfolk ('Firespout away my Merrow Reejerey and your cr- oh fuck') and various other decks that give hilarious sample hands.
This one because Reveillark is awesome:
and a Wafo-Tapa special that was great fun to play:
Zendikar was also a tremendous set when its flagships weren't getting banned left and right:
I like Zombies and I like Pod...
and, most recently, Aristocrats Act 2, which I'm determined to make a thing in my Cube somehow: