I have inside sources that have worked on the WotC R&D team for Magic Origins and I can confirm that the origin story for magic will remain unchanged from the Richard Garfield canon we all know. As Richard Garfield does not have a trigger ability, it's likely that Magic Origins will not have one, either. If it does have one, we can expect to see every casual player rejoice. Every competitive player will deem it the worst moment in mtg history. Evan Erwin will still sell the hype. Paulo Vito will call it bad regardless of what it does unless it is blue and very broken. LSV will mis-evaluate it because he only read it once. SCG will charge you to read an article about it, then charge you double its actual price when you attempt to order it. CML will deem it unworthy of his cube and Gerry T will scold him about how great it actually is in cube without Gerry having ever played the card in any cube. MaRo will call it WotC's greatest success since the inception of the game in his yearly review of accomplishments and failures. Rights to the game will then be sold off to Microsoft, who will then completely fix MODO and drop everything else to do with the game altogether. There will be no new content. It will rot away in a cell like so many other Microsoft properties and occasionally get referenced in Halo games.
But more importantly, I must restate that Magic Origins will not have a trigger ability unless they wish to kill the game.