General Eldrazi Domain CubeTutor decks

5c Elementals confirmed functional archetype

The mana base looks a bit unstable with all those double mana costs in colors with few sources. You'd probably have problems against a faster deck. Other than that, looks like a fine deck.

Elementals seems like a 5c midrange flicker synergy deck. Smokebraider is good fixing/ramp which will wheel to this deck and Horde of Notions is just icing/signaling. Why don't you double up on Smokebraider?
Rubblehulk is hot garbage. Thicket Elemental is the hotness.

That Thick oath didn't even mill away all of the important one-of basics.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
The mana base looks a bit unstable with all those double mana costs in colors with few sources. You'd probably have problems against a faster deck. Other than that, looks like a fine deck.

Elementals seems like a 5c midrange flicker synergy deck. Smokebraider is good fixing/ramp which will wheel to this deck and Horde of Notions is just icing/signaling. Why don't you double up on Smokebraider?

I think it's a nice to have, but it's a little narrow for me to be doubling up on.

The mana never tripped me up, aside from one really bad sequencing error I made. With Ancient Stirrings, Nylea's Presence (which is really the perfect card for this cube), Smokebraider and Pentad Prism providing early fixing, and Painful Truths often digging towards a missing mana source.
It's good stuff day! Started drafting the best cards in the first picks, moved to locking into 3 colors, in the 4rd pack started looking at synergies.

Naya Aggro-Midrange - japahn's draft of EldraziDomain540 on 30/08/2016 from

Super sketchy manabase, couldn't find fixing in packs 2 and 3, after ignoring it in pack 1.

Pseudo-Jund Aggro - japahn's draft of EldraziDomain540 on 30/08/2016 from

This, though, looks super sweet. It's actually a Gruul deck, it just looks like it has black for those Civic Sabers and Tribal Flames.

Esper Control - japahn's draft of EldraziDomain540 on 30/08/2016 from

This went in a completely different direction, which is nice. Classic removal->card quality->wipe-> finisher.

  • I think the cube is in a really good state in terms of mana balance. I suggest a Wayfarer's Bauble to reduce the variance slightly.
  • Academy Rector doesn't have much to fetch. Is it supposed to be a utility enchantment tutor + sacrifice ticket?
  • Still don't understand some multicolored creatures. Suggestions for Azorius:
  • For Orzhov:
  • For Izzet:
  • Black 2 mana is thin and super focused in sacrifice. Suggestions:
  • Counters is problematic as a deck. There's plenty of payoff: Ainok Bond-Kin, Abzan Falconer, High Sentinels of Arashin in white, Thrummingbird, Fuel for the Cause, Steady Progress in blue, Grim Affliction in black, 3 x Volt Charge in red, Renegade Krasis in green, Contagion Clasp and Tezzeret's Gambit in any color. Blue and black have few cards that want to be proliferated.

    Blue is a historically bad one at this, I can only suggest:

    Black is much deeper, with:


Jason Waddell

Staff member
Re: Academy Rector, yeah, it's a bit of a value-upon-death guy, something that wants to be sacrificed. There are plenty of enchantment-based removal spells (Detention Sphere, Stab Wound, Song of the Dryads, Parallax Wave), then "deep end" stuff like Maelstrom Nexus and Chromanticore, or even a value engine like Deathreap Ritual. The cube actually has 39 enchantments. Obviously not all of those are great targets, but I think it places some interesting deckbuilding constraints.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Just checking ramp's viability....

Jason Waddell

Staff member
The solitaire turn counter on MTGO is a little off, but this is Turn 5 off a Vinelasher -> Khalni Heart -> See the Unwritten double fetch opener. I only hit Predator and Titania off the See the Unwritten.



Staff member
Your UG ramp game against my (almost) mono white control deck was also pretty strong. There were some sweet lines in that game as well.
Vinelasher Kudzu is surprisingly scary (only really on turns 2-3, but still)

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Your UG ramp game against my (almost) mono white control deck was also pretty strong. There were some sweet lines in that game as well.
Vinelasher Kudzu is surprisingly scary (only really on turns 2-3, but still)

Yeah, what I'm finding is that these ramp decks often have pretty interesting sequencing decisions, and taking a suboptimal line can really snowball.

From playtesting, it really feels like aggro, ramp, midrange and control all are viable, and each seems really powerful with a coherently drafted deck, even if some of the cards seem individually on the weaker side. Pretty pleased at the moment.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I tried to draft ramp last night and didn't see many rampers... maybe it was fluke, and maybe I was wrong. I ended up with some janky Birthing Pod deck which was kinda neat. Speaking of which, have you thought about Eldritch Evolution?
I've thought about it, but it doesn't seem super necessary. Pod seems more fun, and I don't really have room for both.

To be honest, I think there's a ton of ramp, so I'm fairly surprised you didn't see any. When I draft it I feel like it's just about putting together the right proportions of early interaction, fixing, sweepers, ramp and finishers. It's possible you got something else, but, also, I only draft with the 7 castle AI setting, as the results feel far more representative of what I expect from a human draft.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
I've thought about it, but it doesn't seem super necessary. Pod seems more fun, and I don't really have room for both.

To be honest, I think there's a ton of ramp, so I'm fairly surprised you didn't see any. When I draft it I feel like it's just about putting together the right proportions of early interaction, fixing, sweepers, ramp and finishers. It's possible you got something else, but, also, I only draft with the 7 castle AI setting, as the results feel far more representative of what I expect from a human draft.

Tried ramp again, it worked great. Looks like a lot of fun to play!