Five more changes:




Gush wasn't doing anything interesting so I wanted to test Occult Epiphany instead.
Torrential Gearhulk is such a powerful card, yet it has consistently dissapointed me because it doesn't hit sorceries. This meant it was just a powerful, good-stuff card and not a cool semi-synergetic piece. Kappa Cannoneer should be a good reanimator target and has better artifact synergies (like
Underwoold Cookbook) so I'm testing that instead.
Magus dropped down in value once Wheel of Fortune came in. Even then, it suffered heavily from 24th card syndrome. Is it good? Yes. Does it fit several decks, yes. But none were really that interested in it. The deck that were, however, would have preffered a payoff rather than an enabler, hence why I decided to go for Anje's Ravager.
Hedron Crab did nothing. I don't expect Cephalid Coliseum to do anything, either, but it's a land. So let's use it as filler for now.


Also, I'm going back to General Kudro because Nalia does nothing. Here's the thing, all the white cards are soldiers. So even if you have a bunch of wizards and rogues in other colours, it doesn't matter.
As for the other changes:
Mizzium Tank did nothing, Ox of Agonas could work in dredge decks.
Galvanic Blast is just a more synergetic Shock.
Masked Vandal is an iffy card. It has all creature types, which is great and it exiles, which I don't like. I hope its balanced by its awkard creature exile requirement and that it ends up being both versatile enough to justify and not annoying enough to turn into a exile-based naturalize.
Asmorano has been great. She's just a fun a card. Blazing Rootwalla is not the right cut but it's the most similar one so I wanted to try it.
Gala Greeters seems a good kind of good-stuff and early tests are positive.
Sedgemoor Witch should be in to promote spell-token archetypes. It has been in before and they should arise but they have often failed. Let's hope they end up working now.
Mox Diamond will be the best card in my cube. But it is a big driver of synergy builds so I think it's worth it.
I'm adding Underworld Cookbook in the hopes that its good enough to run on its own. So far I've seen several people make a good use of it just a discard outlet or with Urza so why not give it a whirl?