I run both of these in addition to Magnivore. If I were to pick one it’d be Crackling Drake as it’s the more powerful card and I like concentrating some power in the multicolor slots. I’ve seen players play Crackling Drake in 4 color decks and I don’t feel like my mana fixing was insane at the time so while the mana cost is certainly restrictive, it’s not a dealbreaker.
I'm leaning toward Fecundity because I like breaking symmetrical cards and Mysteries seems a little bit more safe and mid-rangey, but some other opinions couldn't hurt!
I'd say Reach of Branches is probably the most playable of these three options. Crested Herdcaller wants to be broken, and your cube just doesn't have enough pieces to break it.ROUND TWO
Spells matter + the most go-wide support, blink/reanimation support, or all-in-one GY value engine.
Oh, yeah, I forgot that other people are less hesitant to run Planeswalkers and also have indestructible permanents. Hmm. How many do you have for each? I think, you should take despark im mortify doesn't have a lot more, since the ones despark gets should be more problematic.
I also have something kinda similar. But also more difficult, since the latter is so hard to estimate.
I run 16 Legends, which is 6% of my creatures, not counting tokens.