General Fight Club

I figured the hydra is easier dealt with but has a higher ceiling. Plus proliferate synergy and 1/1 counter synergy. But the ooze know.... the OOZE! Probably one of the top 5 coolest oozes in MtG.
I believe we already had this discussion. Hydra Broodmaster is a good mana sink that ends the game quicker than the other two & also plays better on defense(except against fliers). Rampaging Baloths does it for free(makes 4/4s that long as you have a land to fetch or play...or both). Trample is a nice little touch. Soul of Zendikar has Reach which can be good and can also be flashbacked.

I personally prefer the hydra, but there's arguments for all three worth considering. FWIW, in a vacuum, the hydra wins.


Thats tricky, those cards all play somewhat different roles.

I think it would be more appropriate to compare raise the alarm with gather the townsfolk; and gather wins in a list supporting human tribal, otherwise raise the alarm does.

Triplicate spirits you would want (I would think) to be at the apex of a token pyramid, so I would think you would only run it if you are supporting white token makers in general.

Midnight haunting is the most forgettable of the three, and is basically just there to pad the number of flying spirit makers in your format.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I'm partial to Haunting, by virtue of being an Instant and creating tokens that fly. But Eric hates Instants, so...
It works now!

Otherworldly Journey if you have a 1/1 counter theme & a bit of time to fiddle some reactive ETV shit.

Feat of Resistance in place of Otherworldly Journey if you want to be a bit more proactive & setting passed board stalls.

Shelter seems like something you play if your initials are CML, cuz you clearly love cantrips & cycling more than your own family.


Shelter never seems to fail to win a game when it makes a final 40.

I don't think reactive cards are the best place to push a theme, I'd rather have the best card. I run shelter in my cube and not the other two even though I have a token theme.

Test Of Faith is the card I would run if I really wanted to support the theme with this kind of card, it doesn't stop a lot of the things shelter can, but it is massive when it works.
Ugh...they're all so good in their own way. I'm gonna go with Feat of Resistance for anyone pushing a 1/1 counter theme & shelter for everyone else...unless you have a blink theme...then you should run otherworldly journey.


Why not both?

I was going to respond with the same question, but on consideration, it seems like you would have to be pushing green towards aggro a little in order to justify it. I mean, does a typical green deck want a Grizzly Bear that sometimes lets you also cast, say a Rampant Growth or something? It stems a some aggro pressure and attacks on an empty board, but Sakura Tribe-Elder is always a Rampant Growth, and also gives you a free block, without costing you two cards and CC.

That said, if your Green section includes cards like Experiment One (and Mayor of Avabruck, for the and 'they are all humans!' happen-stance) and Albino Troll (I don't know what green aggression looks like?) then Burning-Tree can legitimately be a green card. It will always be a red card, since going wide with 2 power dudes is Red-Deck 101, and as a Red/Green card, going Experiment One into Burning-Tree int a 3-power Red dude (Keldon Mauraders? Hellspark Elemental?) sounds like a hell of a beating.

Boggart Ram-Gang? Well, it is fine I guess, but 3 coloured symbols means that this is a Gold card 90% of the time.

I guess your choice depends on card classification and whether or not Green is an aggro colour.