General Fight Club

Man, Ram Gang used to be so cool like 3 years ago. As far as R/G hybrid dudes, I don't think there's too many options anymore besides burning tree emissary. As for r/g gold cards, the options feel limitless.
For me, I think my favorite R/G dude is probably Huntmaster. He's probably not the best 4 drop in an aggro build, but he can be good just about anywhere. Whether it's just being 2 bodies & 2 life or actually getting to flip, he always feels good. It only helps that he's a human who also handily makes wolves. Them relevant creature typings are always nice to see.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
I think you guys are right, my nostalgia for Boggart Ram-Gang is probably clouding my good judgment. He's still fine nowadays, but that mana cost is awkward in anything but mono-red or straight RG. Burning-Tree Emissary is an all-in kinda gal, but provides a unique effect that can give you some explosive starts. She's more likely to fit into decks that aren't Gruul, too.


cut some of the duller 3's instead a big gruul section is imperative wtf else does R/G do
I love when I run ram gang. It makes me really happy when I can pull off a 2-3 colour aggro deck with CCC cards. Drafting with those cards / duals / fetches in mind makes me really happy and is part of the reason I would love another hybrid heavy draft format.

If you have shit removal or control is garbage in your environment or all your ramp is disrupted by shock etc those idiot above the curve 3 drops can really go to work.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
It's probably slightly better if your sacrifice theme extends into green... but even then, if that means waiting until getting a Birthing Pod activation to cash him in for a land, he's probably not your best ramp option.

He's a little bit like Lotus Cobra in that he's more useful in decks that want to send 2/1 bodies into the red zone, whereas Sakura-Tribe Elder almost always goes into slower decks.


It might not be relevant to too many cubes, but Sakura Tribe Elder being able to kill himself at instant speed is important for decks where graveyard count matters. This was important in my last 3-0 count for hitting Threshold and getting out Skaab Ruinator in time. I think Viridian Emissary's design is just a bit too compromised and the "payoff" isn't worth the hassles.


I mean, it's not not a card. Cards like this are weird because we see them and think "value", and then you see it on the other side of the table and realize you're 0% afraid of it.

haha, I remember when i was getting into competitive MTG and my good friend will was bitching about the "not a card" terminology. viridian emissary ramp was all the rage around then (i don't remember if it was wolf run ramp or valakut but w/e) and shortly thereafter i read a critique of the standard decklist from Owen Turtenwald, who described viridian emissary as ... not a card. this story demonstrates two things:

1. viridian emissary is the platonic ideal of "not a card"
2. owen turtenwald writes like a bitchier and dumber version of holden caulfield

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member

this was an actual prolonged debate at the office that started in one room and moved to two others


Ecstatic Orb
Damnit, I wish I could have those conversations at work :D

My vote goes to Treasure Cruise in any deck that can enable it (which is most blue decks). Ancestral Vision is only better on turn 1.
I'm also gonna say treasure cruise, and on that note I also want to ask just what WotC was thinking when they decided to print treasure cruise. It's not like it is busted, but since when is anything that draws 3 cards considered a common by the NWO?


I'm also gonna say treasure cruise, and on that note I also want to ask just what WotC was thinking when they decided to print treasure cruise. It's not like it is busted, but since when is anything that draws 3 cards considered a common by the NWO?

draft funsies
I have drafted Khans a few times, & abzan with 1/1 counter lords has consistently been crazy good. Sultai & Jeskai are both decent but never amazing like abzan...mardu is solid most of the time & temur has yet to "wow" me in draft whatsoever. What have other people's experiences been?
Mardu can be strong but a certain threshold of cards has to come together or it will be terrible.
Sultai and Abzan control have both been solid.
Jeskai and Temur can be good but so far seem to be less often for us.
I'm also gonna say treasure cruise, and on that note I also want to ask just what WotC was thinking when they decided to print treasure cruise. It's not like it is busted, but since when is anything that draws 3 cards considered a common by the NWO?

What is it with people thinking NWO relates to powerlevel when its expicitly about complexity. There is nothing functionally complex about there being a card that draws you 3 and costs less by removing cards from the graveyard.
I think it's also been stated that it ushered in a 2nd wave of trying to make creature decks more viable and making magic a game about combat steps. Delve is a very spellsy mechanic that does a lot of enabling for decks that aren't that concerned with attacking and blocking. Magic is much more of an on board and open information game than it used to be in my eye.