General Fight Club

I thought about adding that there are exceptions to all my rules and one of them were a skewed color pie. Another one would be if you had completely cut a color from your cube. Or if your cube is mostly black. Etc. etc.

However I didn’t write it because I thought it was common sense. If you are doing strange things then normal rules don’t apply.
I would go with Kess, Dissident Mage for a few reasons.
  1. It's cheaper
  2. It can work a couple ways: a payoff for a spell heavy deck or a payoff for a self-mill deck
  3. 3 color cards are narrow enough that having them work without jumping through hoops seems important
I have one and I don't know what to do: there are too many options.

My current setup is having 3 or 4 cards per guild depending on the card quality and how interesting the cards are.

Selesnya. I'm trying to support +1/+1 counters, go wide and value aggressive decks. I currently run

Now, I really like the first two, but after that I'm more flexible. Here are the cards I'm considering:

I'm currently leaning towards adding the Pridemage as a 4th card since it's a great 2 drop (which GW needs to curve out and plays nicely with Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants).
Renegade Rallier is great value, but my list is already full of 3 drops everywhere.
Lastly there is Ajani which signals +1/+1 counters better but would be a second 4 mana planeswalker for the deck which feels excessive.

I could also ship Shalai in white since it's playable even without the activated ability and add both Pridemage and Rallier.

I'd love any and all input, thanks!

It really depends on to what degree you want to support counters. I run both Ajani, the Greathearted and Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants and they very rarely show up together in the same deck. Even though they both play well with counters, Ajani, the Greathearted wants to be in a go-wide strategy while Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants is better in a go-tall grindy strategy that can better take advantage of his recursion ability. For this reason, I would say that running Ajani, the Greathearted and Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants together is generally a good option if you're trying to support counters. Even though they can go in the same deck, they're not really for the same deck.

I'd suggest running Kitchen Finks before Qasali Pridemage or Renegade Rallier. It's a more flexible card than the others that can be used in a wider range of decks. I'd also run the finks before Shalai, Voice of Plenty in a Selesnya slot.
Lot's of good stuff, love the input.

I've considered Finks before and have played him a lot, but I recently cut him because I was trying out Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit and I don't want infinite combos.

Anafenza has been good, the only complaints about her is that she is the only Bolster card in the cube and the WW mana cost which sometimes means she isn't a 2 drop. That is a pretty huge downside as that is one of the main reasons I wanted to cube with her. So I could totally see Finks coming back in and cutting Anafenza since he fits into so many more decks and can be a +1/+1 counters card too (a payoff rather than enabler, but whatever).

Probably just convinced myself to play Finks again and therefore solve my problem. Thanks everyone!
Is finks REALLY gw? I say no, and i also say run pridemage because it plays awesome

But then the question becomes: "is finks a white card or a green card?" That can be pretty tricky to answer, because I've seen both white and green decks want the card.

Also, if we decide finks is white, then what we've effectively done is replaced a white card with another Selesnya slot, which isn't necessarily a good thing.

I do not think finks is a hybrid card where one could simply consider it to be a mono-color card and be mostly correct about the color it's been placed into. This is especially true if your green section isn't ramping a ton.

Calling something like Dryad Militant mono-white or Life // Death mono-black makes sense, since Dryad Militant really only goes into white weenie and the Life half of Life // Death is not going to be played as much as the death half. But with finks, pretty much any deck running white or green except for maybe certain ramp shells are pretty happy to run it.

Therefor, I think that Kitchen Finks is one of the hybrid cards that should really be left in the gold slot.
About Kitchen Finks and hybrid mana cost:

I have a section of 5 cards that are ‘Anything goes’ which typically means hybrid cards or cards like Shalai, Voice of Plenty because they don’t really have a good spot otherwise. This works really well for me and I would encourage others to do the same. These 5 cards are also the testing spots.

And for me and my players, five cards doesn’t skew anything noteworthy.
There are two acceptable ways of categorizing hybrid:
1) have a seperate hybrid section
2) count each card as half for their color

Whatever you do, though, don't count cards like finks as gold since they are the exact opposite.


Ecstatic Orb
Whatever you do, though, don't count cards like finks as gold since they are the exact opposite.
I put hybrids in my gold section, because those are the colors that can play the card. Sue me :p It's also perfectly fine to put a hybrid card in one of its colors if you expect it to be played mostly in that color. Honestly, where you categorize them doesn't matter al that much, since it won't actually affect drafting all that much if your sections are not of exactly equal size.
Don't count cards like finks as gold since they are the exact opposite.

I don’t think you understand what ‘exact opposite’ means :p

I would say the EXACT opposite of a Green-White hybrid card like Finks is a Grixis card. Or maybe even a Grixis hybrid card depending on how strickly you take the word ‘exact’.

But again: The solution to all is to have a seperate (very small) section where everything goes :) It will work for everyone and solve all problems without causing any new ones.
Kitchen Stinks!

There is a 3rd option for hybirds: Not really caring since one card isn't going to tip the balance to either side

Right? I remember people losing their minds over where to classify Nature's Chant in other places of cube discussion and I'm just like this is entirely too much focus on a Naturalize. Literally no one will notice (and not a single one will care) that you have 1 more card of a given color than another unless they're viewing your list on cubetutor. Spend time discussing more important aspects of creating a cube environment like power level and creating balance, not on meticulously organizing your ratios. That's so wack.
Opposition is grossly out of place. Takes the nonexistent blue creature deck in most formats and makes it fucking miserable to play against. I hate that card.
Also, Shalai should not be considered a GW card. She goes in any deck with white mana. The green activated ability is pure gravy.

Usually easy to make a very modest splash for the ability as well! You don't mind waiting for that second green source while still being able to play a game of magic. I usually use the reason about where to place flashback cards with an off-color flashback cost.