Ecstatic Orb
Courser can function as a kind of card advantage, plus if you're playing lands from the top of your deck you're actually improving your draws. Also the life gain is non-negligible.
Another fight, on the same subject. I'm a little torn between the card advantage of lotus eye and the better body and life gain from storyteller. My intention is to use one of these to grab back removal-aura and sagas.
By having an artifact creature, or a birthing pod
Okay you’re a power max cube owner. How would you rate these from worst to best in a vacuum?
If I were to powermax:
I'm glad you brought this up, because I am really hesitating with the green one. I want to support GY shenanigans and currently run Golgari Grave-Troll. I am thinking this guy could take it's spot as a more versatile enabler. The downside is you can't just mill it and get value.
I drafted this UG GY deck. I think the Cavalier of Thorns would be better. Thoughts?
What about this GB deck?