General Fight Club

I dislike trying to read the entire text on Gonti and I dislike mixing my cards and my opponent's cards together when they're all in the same sleeves. I'd say Gonti is the better card with the extra toughness and the more reliable +1, but Entomber rewards your player for drafting a deck that wants it and gives them the potential to feel good, rather than their opponent feeling they got lucky with the Gonti roll.
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Defensively speaking Gonti and Entomber play pretty similarly, with Gonti being a bit better against aggro. What ability do you want more? Entomb or an impulse for your opponent's library? I agree with Brad that in general I dislike cards that use opponent's cards, especially when they all look the same sleeve-wise.
my black 4 drop of choice right now is a colorshifted Restoration Angel, but i would also consider Grief, Rankle, Ebondeath, and (i know it’s not a 4 drop but) Shriekmaw for this kind of slot.
agree with others that swapping cards around during cube night is sucky.

Chris Taylor

I know we usually try and cordon off the customs but how do we feel about this:

vs God Damn.png
I prefer Damn since horizontal cards are easier to read and harder to “see” in opponent’s hands… I don’t know about you, but I always notice when my opponents draw Fire&Ice
Aren't these the same outside of very specific corner cases?
Mostly the mana value of the card changes.

However, for my less experienced drafters, I'd much rather have the split card than the original. I know that they will skip Damn even if they are in a White control deck as it just doesn't look like a playable White card.
It's really interesting how "subtle" the overload part really is. Had to show it to my wife a cuople times for her Nevinyrral EDH deck that it was just another wrath of god. Didn't click right away. I love the idea of "underload" as a custom mechanic lol.
Yep Krushok > Goliath in most cases. I’m a big fan of Krushok. It’s also more splashable. If I had to come up with a reason to run Goliath instead, I could see running it if the baseline 5 toughness is significantly more resilient than 4 toughness in your environment based on your removal suite. Goliath survives things like languish/wildfire, flame slash etc and can do so on curve. In general, 5 toughness is typically harder to deal with.
Yeah the 5/5 being much more sturdy than 4/4 is the major upside of the Goliath. I can see switching to the Krushok, but am currently happy with the beef the Goliath brings.
The reason I am sticking with Goliath currently is the cheaper scavenge cost. I like it in something like an aggressive madness deck, where six mana is much more realistic than seven in the (hopefully) final stages of the game.
I'm definitely leaning towards the Krushok, because having an extra built-in way to get it into your graveyard is pretty solid.

Plus, if I'm an aggressive deck, I'd prefer to see a card I can pitch for two +1/+1 counters if I get mana-screwed.
In a madness deck I doubt there is a shortage of ways to bin it. The two counters are still nice though.

Trample feels a little bit much on a 4 mana 5/5
That's the thing, though — the Krushok doesn't have to be in a Madness deck. It could just be in a deck that wants to put two +1/+1 counters on something at instant speed for 1G.

I was assuming you were directly riffing off of what ravnic had posted. If you have other kinds of aggressive Gx decks, then certainly there can be other considerations.
The Krushok is maybe better in non-madness decks which are aggressive. But I think the cheaper madness cost the goliath offers puts it in front of the krushok in most decks, especially in combination with the higher base stats.

I'm not arguing it is wrong to play the krushok, bit I think more decks would be interested in the bug, including those with graveyard synergies, as 6 is everywhere much less than 7. Maybe the beast gets the edge if counters are a theme, as it's a cheaper enabler?