General Fight Club

Still mostly a Temur card, especially since I can count the number of W, B, and G cards from those lists in the core of the cube on one hand. Also not a three drop like japahn was looking for. Call of the Herd is already in the cube, so we can probably stop recommending that one lol.

My vote of those two is probably the ooze, because a 3/3 is just a looot less fragile than a 4/1 or 5/2, and delirium by T4 seems relatively easy if you spend a little time considering it during deck building (you don't need it until it attacks).
I've had good luck with Inexorable Blob in the past, but lend most of that success to the environment being slower, having a lot of self-mill, and having land/artifact/enchantment density that can bin themselves.

Also thought these might be some good options and have had great experiences with all of them. None of them put on the pressure early quite like blob in my experience, but they all seem to fit naturally with what you have going on in the core of your cube. I think the idea of putting down a 3/3 for 3 on turn 3 with some room to grab additional value might be enough to satisfy the aggressive-yet-resilient checkbox.
I like Mouth to Feed. Not only does it give you a 3/3, it even helps you later when you are out of gas.
Researching I found

I didn’t know that card existed. It’s only 2 cmc though.

That could also fit.
I do like some of the options here, but I didn't see one of my favorites so far

It's dependend on how likely it is, that a 3/2 that attacks on turn 4 won't be horribly trading down if you don't run fetches (or only in occasionals), but when this is realistic, you won't be disappointed. This cat has some staying power and keeps beating down even against beefier midrange threats. Also, while you don't support landfall, it works with your counters archetype.

From the two mentioned I think the Blob might be just better enough at base to make it.
I do like some of the options here, but I didn't see one of my favorites so far

It's dependend on how likely it is, that a 3/2 that attacks on turn 4 won't be horribly trading down if you don't run fetches (or only in occasionals), but when this is realistic, you won't be disappointed. This cat has some staying power and keeps beating down even against beefier midrange threats. Also, while you don't support landfall, it works with your counters archetype.

From the two mentioned I think the Blob might be just better enough at base to make it.
Forgot about the Scythecat! Before testing it, I thought Vinelasher Kudzu coming down a turn earlier put it over Scythecat. Turns out the trample on Scythecat put it considerably past Kudzu in my experience and has overperformed a bit for me in either landfall or +1/+1 counters decks. Definitely worth looking into.
i like Rankle more because he has haste and flying, but i have heard very very good things about Yawg, just have never tested him. i think they can both function in crats/stax archetypes, but have different “other decks” that they work well in
I like Rankle because it fits into more archetypes (aggro, aristocrats and stax), but Yawgmoth is very strong. You have to do a bit of work (not much mind you) to make it work, but it will steal the show if it resolves when you have any sort of board. I have been trapped by it once where I didn't have enough life to draw the cards, but other than that all positive experiences.

Rankle having haste is a big game as well and I've used each mode multiple times throughout different games (the draw to close out games quicker, the discard when I was pressuring and the sacrifice when I had recursive/token creatures).

Also, if it counts for anything, it is easier to recover from an unchecked Rankle than it is Yawgmoth in my experience.
Jumping on the bandwagon to vote for Rankle on the grounds that he has a higher floor and a lower ceiling and so can't really ruin games the way Yawg can.
Swimming against the stream here. Voting for Yawg as he doesn’t have to attack to be good. The Moment your opponent has a decent sized blocker in the air Rankle is a dead draw. Yawg isn’t.

Dom Harvey

How often does your opponent have a big flier in most games of Cube and does that make up for all the other games when Rankle is great? Plus they will usually attack with that flier and give you a chance to get a hit in with Rankle

Agree with the consensus here - if you have a lot of sac synergies Yawg is disgustingly good, Rankle is a more generically strong and healthy card
I've always thought Rankle is super strong. Like compare to

which of course extends the sac into lands and artifacts, but still seems quite outclassed by Rankle, especially with the hand-draining ability.
Is it bad if my answer would be none of them? If self mill isn‘t a theme I wouldn’t draft Grapple. Actually I wouldn’t draft it anyway because I usually end up milling the few spells or artifacts I decided to run.
Is it bad if my answer would be none of them? If self mill isn‘t a theme I wouldn’t draft Grapple. Actually I wouldn’t draft it anyway because I usually end up milling the few spells or artifacts I decided to run.
i kinda like this answer honestly. Green has some VERY good cantrips (Abundant Harvest holy moly) and TWO solid recursion spells in Ewit and Regrowth. These are both significantly worse than those, and i would (and do) even run Living Wish over Grapple as an option for finding a creature or land in a pinch.
Actually I wouldn’t draft it anyway because I usually end up milling the few spells or artifacts I decided to run.
Hmmm while the psychological effect is real, in practice milling modulo actually using the graveyard is the pretty much the same as just shuffling your deck. Milling a cool card that you can't utilize in the graveyard is like having it on the bottom of the deck, so the milling compared to shuffling didn't actually do anything unless the game goes to turn like 30.
yeah it's a perception thing. The card being in the GY is visibly negative. If the milling is still undesirable for some reason, Abundant Harvest is strong, as mentioned.

Timeless Witness works fine in my cube.
While I mostly agree, I want to make some counterpoints to the argument that milling == not drawing:

1. The psychological effect is still strong, and people are not 100% rational robots. It can feel bad to get your own stuff milled.
2. Tutor effects can't reach the graveyard, and inevitability is affected in games in which the whole deck is drawn/filtered/scried. This is particularly problematic for build-arounds and control finishers.
3. The opponent knows of important cards that are not in your hand. They don't have to play around Wrath of God, Living Death, Opposition.