General Fight Club


Ecstatic Orb
I've seen Geddon work best when there's cheap (read: 1cmc) removal. If you have to build back up to Murder mana to remove their biggest threat, you probably won't have a game left.

This is true, and it makes me sad, because I run Murders instead of Swords to Plowshares, so my nice black-bordered portal copy of Armageddon is gathering dust :'(
IMO the most fair way is making it delayed somehow- geddon is too punishing to decks that start slowly. "Until your next turn, at the beginning of each player's end step, they sacrifice each land they control" ? Or something. Prevents "geddon, land, pass" resets as well.

A friend has a custom geddon that let a player counter it in some manner that made sense, but I can't remember off the top of my head.
I wish it made it to print. One more crap design to watch TWoo find a way to exploit.

Speaking of Woo, why is Chapin the Innovator? Woo has done more over the top innovating than the druglord ever did.

Dom Harvey

anyone can come up with a ~crazy brew~, but Chapin did at the highest levels of the game (for a while, seems like he mostly colours within the lines now) and worked on crafting that brand

someone whip up a Druglord Ojutai proxy
anyone can come up with a ~crazy brew~, but Chapin did at the highest levels of the game (for a while, seems like he mostly colours within the lines now) and worked on crafting that brand

someone whip up a Druglord Ojutai proxy

Woo has had some impactful brews take off. Let us not forget OmniThragDoorFire, or that monoblue Delver list in Modern, or ANY of his wonky ideas that find a way in constructed formats.
I didn't play far enough back to be enamored with any of the established pros; most don't seem much better than my local pro tour grinders.

Didn't twoo's mono blue list make disrupting shoal exponentially pricier? A lot of his stuff is goofy one-trick ponies, but I can respect being able to take a seemingly-worthless card and take games off tournament-placing decks with much larger changes than "holy shit this guy has a one-of weird card in his sideboard!" One of my biggest gripes with the mothership's preview articles is their attempts at making new cards look good: a type 1 list with tons of chaff instead of a budget deck someone can take to FNM or something.
That mono blue list was a pauper list that he ported to modern and pretended was his original creation.
I stand corrected, that deck IS almost entirely pauper.

Dom Harvey

The OmniDoor deck was cute, but never put up results in competitive events. The Mono Blue Delver list was already an established deck in Pauper and budget deck in Modern, and very few of his ideas have had any permanence in Constructed.
Geddon is one of those cards that really should be oppressive in my cube, but for whatever reason never has been. Maybe it's the fact that we play a lot of multilayer. There are always blue mages and spells like that usually get countered. Or if they don't the Geddon player has three people pissed off at him and so he ends up dying unless he has a really big lead.

Probably also has a lot to do with my groups overall dislike of hard aggro decks. No one wants to blow up their own lands because that stops them from casting their bombs. Bribery was way worse for us. I had a civil war over the inclusion of that card (long since removed and likely never to return).