The problem with Bluebones is that it uses the most recent scan of a card. So if there's a grainy preview of something, bluebones will grab that instead of the existing, higher-quality art. We were trying out some Innistrad rares for our set, and printed out Geist-Honored Monk. Bluebones gave us a grainy preview of the Commander 2014 print instead of the Innistrad print.
Makes very nice proxies (minus the Magic Online scans that occasionally come up. Don't print the MTGO versions).
Print with a Horizontal Layout to get 8 to a page instead of 6.
You don't have to trim the borders, but if you do, they don't slip out of the sleeves as much at the top.
Source: have an entirely proxied cube because we have free colored printing here at school
Since then I just go to and choose the best-looking version of a card myself. M12 can look brighter and cleaner than M14, on some cards.
It should print 9 to a page - check your printer margins or turn on borderless printing maybe. I find it useful that they wind up slightly smaller than real cards; they can hide unobtrusively in a penny sleeve.