General Fight Club

Makes very nice proxies (minus the Magic Online scans that occasionally come up. Don't print the MTGO versions).
Print with a Horizontal Layout to get 8 to a page instead of 6.
You don't have to trim the borders, but if you do, they don't slip out of the sleeves as much at the top.

Source: have an entirely proxied cube because we have free colored printing here at school :D
The problem with Bluebones is that it uses the most recent scan of a card. So if there's a grainy preview of something, bluebones will grab that instead of the existing, higher-quality art. We were trying out some Innistrad rares for our set, and printed out Geist-Honored Monk. Bluebones gave us a grainy preview of the Commander 2014 print instead of the Innistrad print.

Since then I just go to and choose the best-looking version of a card myself. M12 can look brighter and cleaner than M14, on some cards.

It should print 9 to a page - check your printer margins or turn on borderless printing maybe. I find it useful that they wind up slightly smaller than real cards; they can hide unobtrusively in a penny sleeve.


Ecstatic Orb
Trostani's Summoner is good in reanimator and blink strategies. Courser's Accord is not good in much of anything, assuming you run no Godsires and stuff (i.e. spells that produce tokens that are more relevant than a 3/3). On its own it provides a pretty bad rate for a multicolor spell (6 power for six mana vs 10 power for seven mana).
Trostani's Summoner is good in reanimator and blink strategies. Courser's Accord is not good in much of anything, assuming you run no Godsires and stuff (i.e. spells that produce tokens that are more relevant than a 3/3). On its own it provides a pretty bad rate for a multicolor spell (6 power for six mana vs 10 power for seven mana).
Okay, I guess that's kinda obvious when you phrase it like that. I'm just gettin kinda stoked to try out Populate, as I've not done so before. Better card is better, though.


Yeah, Triskelion needs some pretty serious support, and even then, is still only decent. I mean, asides from just instantly killing the opponent with Mikaeus, the Unhallowed, it works well with some sort of +1/+1 counter theme I guess? Does anyone still run it? Does your cube need some ridiculous density of X/1 creatures, and if so, do you just run this because actual Arc Lightning would be too good?

I can see it being an decent archetype support card in a mid-power level environment pushing +1/+1 counters.

What about Reverse Triskelion? Start with a 1/1, end up with a 4/4? Still way too costly at {7}, but the cards seem pretty comparable.


omg lol you know what else costs 7? Atarka lol

Ah yes, but I thought the conversation was about genuinely horrible cards? Grim Poppet is about as good as Triskelion, both are rubbish, I will take my 8/8 flyer please.
Aren't duplicant and triskellion some of the best ones?

The "combo kill" is master of cruelties- if you can remove their blockers or they commit life total to some other board presence they just die. (Unblocked trigger goes off, setting them to 1, alesha or others finish them off). Other cute things:

Of course everything with graft and modular (and clockwork guys) are up for grabs as well, there's plenty of huge/huges with 0 power and a billion CC.
Necropolis Regent sucks way less then you think it might.

That said, Soul of Innistrad is really sweet and is definitely a card a constantly look at in my binders and think about adding.

I'll take your word for it, but I'm still not remotely excited. My reward for getting to six needs me to swing in twice, too? It's a six-power flyer, the effect is practically trinket text.

If it had Vigilance (or Undying!) i'd be a little more stoked but it just doesn't feel resilient enough for my Cube. Compare/contrast the other sixes: Soul of Shandalar, Big Elspeth, Aetherling, Primetime, Armada Wurm. Notably they all work on offense or defense - a less versatile six just doesn't make the grade. It's probably related to the type of answers we're both running (if Hickey Queen gets Pathed after declaring attackers, do you feel good as a drafter?) and I'm sure that I'm undervaluing the card but Hythonia just feels better, and I don't really want to run her either.

Anyway, overly-defensive quibble aside, one more I keep going back and forth on:


(the High Priest toughness-boosting minigame is so fun you guys)

E: not currently running the Zombie theme, doubled up on Bloodsoaked Champion instead to keep pushing Humans, and Deadguy-style decks already tend to wreck face.


Ecstatic Orb
Depends a bit on your cube. Tidehollow Sculler bleeds zombies and artifacts into your white section, which might be desirable. High Priest of Penance is a nice wall though.


I'm not saying she's the best, but she does effect your other creatures which definitely isn't flavor text. She kills in two flying swings if the opponent took just 2 damage from there manabase/black cards during the game without investing a single additional mana. She certainly doesn't seem nearly as attractive if your running unconditional instant speed one mana removal or lots of wraths. When I ran her, people liked her and that I think she's in the six mana black dude conversation, particularly if you are talking about powering down. I ran her and G.T. and while its obvious which one was the better card, I definitely had people say she won games that the other high end black cards could not have.

Mulling over this trio in my morph cube, where Wizard tribal is a blue archetype.
Not really sure if any of them would work at all if I want to keep the poison level low.

Azami draws a ton but is basically not a permanent and costs triple U.
Director has better stats but activation is quite high and gives no immediate benefit.
Sage is great as I have a +1/+1 counter theme going as well but takes up a coveted 3-cc slot.