General Fight Club

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
That's a card I had in before, but I'm hoping for something that isn't only for tempo with this slot and is more good stuff + blink-friendly. Blade Splicer goes pretty good in control too.

Hmmm, maybe I just stick with Blade Splicer here.

Dom Harvey


Crater's Claws is the best finisher and most of my R/x decks have quite a few ways of turning on ferocious; RSZ is better if you have to use it early and I have a LOT of undying/persist/graveyard stuff that I want another answer to; Devil's Play is best in long, 'normal' games but is worst when splashed.
I didn't like it because white threes are already really good and detain dork is kinda cuter already right? If you care about humans these kor are real annoying.

Outcast was pretty okay in budget cube, anything it did got outclassed really quickly though, it could be combined with synergies for something okay, and it occasionally bought be the turns to get something relevant going.

I think white's 3cc creatures having a lot of punch and value potential is pretty important for the colour that is pretty middling in many areas if you are using modern design restrictions on yourself and playing ones that depowered equivalents will often lead to a much more awkward colour but also a more boring one with little incentive. Just my two newts eyes.


Hookmaster has been ok in the pincher cube, which probably tells you everything you need to know regards its placement in higher power cubes.

Its in there as sort of a lower power way to facilitate a U/W tempo deck, but its not really high impact enough for that CC i.m.o.


Ecstatic Orb
pick two, guys!


I mean, I love Voracious Hatchling, and Chromanticore is a cool payoff for 5-color, if you support that archetype in your cube, but looking at your cube they are not going to be particularly powerful. Sudden Spoiling seems like an improved Fog / Smite entwine card, which is... okay-ish? I don't even know why you put up Exhaustion and Stronghold Gambit for this fight, those cards look super sucky. At least Sleep lets you alpha strike. Sorry for being a sourpuss.

Looking at your cube also makes me wonder, how good is Lotus-Eye Mystics? Doesn't look like there are that many enchantments for it to work with?
Of the 5 listed, I only have experience with two (and both were not so good for me). Exhaustion looks like it should be a time walk, but it never is even in the BCS. And it quite often is half a fog which for 3 mana would be wretched even in limited (forget cube). Sudden Spoiling can occasionally lead to a blowout, but it happens very infrequently and there is just a giant pile of stuff I'd rather run in my 1BB spots (which is so stacked I've contemplated cutting Phyrexian Arena).

Chromanticore looks pretty nasty if 5 color is a thing. Gambit looks awful. Hatchling I can barely see being good in a dedicated deck so there's just no way I'd run that personally.

I'd also like to offer my apologies for being a sour puss. What is drawing you to these cards in particular? Maybe you have specific uses I'm not factoring in.
Mostly out of curiosity - if nobody had praise I wasn't going to test them as much. I have a pile of cards I keep meaning to try, those were the non-boring ones near the top. A sourpuss reply is just what that calls for, don't worry about it!

Mystics is a solid role player in white creature decks though, prowess rules and he usually rebuys an Enchantment Creature or maybe an o-ring. The difference from Auramancer is real, even if it isn't necessarily a whole mana's difference (a pushed three mana Mystics probably could've been printed but not with Auramancer as precedent. Custom cost guys, you know what's up)

And mine is foil and very pretty. That's really important.
I've said numerous times that aesthetics play a role in card choices. At least for me they do. Right or wrong, if a card looks like crap it will probably end up getting cut (unless I can find a sweet promo).
@safra: I am always in favor of experimenting with cards that are probably bad. As long as you are OK with drafting them yourself. Worst case scenario is that it does nothing, best case is probably something hilarious.

If you're interested in something like Voracious Hatchling, I recommend Forgotten Ancient. It ended up being just a hair underpowered in my cube, but I think it would be perfect for yours.

@Eric: I vote Xenagos God-mode! I haven't tried it, but it seems like it fits that elusive RG hasted fatty archetype spot-on.

Man, both are pretty cool. Yeah both actually. When Xenagos parties with Xenagos, shit be crazY

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Taste-wise, how do you guys think gods compare to planeswalkers? Like, was xenagos a planeswalker who then became a god? Which would you rather be? Personally. interdimensional travel sounds pretty great, I'd take that over being a god.
4 mana just happens to be what a lot of sweet but fairly interchangeable cards cost.

Red haste creature.
Counterspell with upside.
Big card draw spell.
White card advantage creature.
Green creature.
I actually prefer Xenagos, the Reveler currently, because he's fantastic in Wildfire decks; he generates some bonus mana to float, and can pump out tokens to beat down with later. Alternatively, drop a token after Wildfire, and start cranking out mana or tokens after that, situation depending. That said, his token producing can lead to some frustrating meat walls, and I didn't run him until I decided to go all-in supporting Wildfire, so I would only advise him if you strongly support Wildfire decks.
vs vs ?

Abzan Falconer has unfortunate art, but seems useful in +1/+1 counter situations. Unfortunately, he seems crap outside of that. As for Thraben Doomsayer.. cute synergy with anthem effects and human tribal? IDK. I originally cut Silverblade because it doesn't seem terribly exciting and the double-white was a bit much, but I'm open-minded.
Falconer is ok. Does a few interesting things but is pretty inefficient. I have it in my rotation but not a permanent slot.
Dunno if there's a sweet spot for Doomsayer. If your removal is good he sucks and if your removal sucks then he's good. Somewhere in the middle he probably still sucks.
Silverblade is great.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Silverblade Paladin is the only guy I'd feel comfortable running without any supporting themes, as a 2/2 double striker for three that effectively gives a "haste" double strike aura to another creature is a sweet deal. He's fragile, so you can get blown out pretty hard with instant-speed removal, but if you enter combat with the assumption that he might bite the bullet and adjust your attacks accordingly, he's awesome sauce.