General Fight Club

Chris Taylor

Epic Confrontation. Strive is cool, but you aren't likely fighting twice with this (or if you are, how are you winning that hard) and tatics has one huge downside: the creature has to tap.

that means no "Fight, Swing" plays (Unless the creature is already attacking, which can be problematic), and no fighting with played this turn creatures
I don't know. I can't help but think the instant factor on strive just makes it a lot more flexible. Plus, you may not always be able to swing after epic confrontation if your opponent still has a blocker (even one smaller than your dude).

I love the idea of fight effects though and I would really like to include more of them. It's green creature removal that totally fits.


63x88mm is the right size but then you have to trim the borders. 61x86 is probably best if you want to tile them, i do six to a sheet when there's a new release and they fit perfectly on a standard piece of printer paper (US-wise).

alternatively is always perfect
Proxies don't feel or look right to me. I just don't like them.

In addition, if a card is so expensive I can't realistically buy it, it's probably broken and bad for my meta anyway. As soon as I abandoned power max design philosophy much of the proxy debate resolved itself.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
I really think that's an attitude thatll just hold you back. Then, I have pretty much stopped paying for magic. It is not worth the money I've already spent on it. I have proxies like tezzeret's gambit. It doesn't bother me much.
I guess. I mean, I'm willing to spend $50 on a card if I test it and it does really well and I know guys will draft and like it. What card costs more than that which just has to be in my cube (i.e. I can't live without it)?

If anything, not running some of these bombs forces me to experiment with cards I normally wouldn't run.
I own the cards I want to own and proxy the ones that are irksome to trade for. Whether that's because nobody has them (for a while i proxied a number of five cent Starter 1999 cards) or they're expensive on the market (i am not buying a force of will to play cube). I thought that I'd be bothered by the different aesthetic (and, I mean, I am, but just a little and nobody else is) but when it comes to actually playing the games nobody cares or minds.

I also use 61x86 to print! Sweet to have confirmation there.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
When you guys say 63x88 or 61x86, how are you measuring this? In Photoshop? Or is there some kinda custom template...? I don't even know what I'm asking.

I've only ever used, cause that's the only one my addle-brained self can figure out.


Ecstatic Orb
The only real cards I proxy are the enemy fetches, because ten of those are a little bit too expensive for me. Other than that all my proxies are customs, and I've bought other expensive singles like FoW, Bob, Liliana of the Veil and Clique for my cube.
When you guys say 63x88 or 61x86, how are you measuring this? In Photoshop? Or is there some kinda custom template...? I don't even know what I'm asking.

I've only ever used, cause that's the only one my addle-brained self can figure out.
Usually when you resize an image the size is in pixels, but you can change it to mm, even in paint.
I use the scribus templetes provided here they worked pretty well(still being a little bigger than normal cards but in a sleeve, especially in a black one, you don't really notice that.
I use the scribus templetes provided here they worked pretty well(still being a little bigger than normal cards but in a sleeve, especially in a black one, you don't really notice that.

I used those templates with pictured that are size 400x600 and up. It looks great and the proxy barely fits in the sleeve, which are better than in which makes a bit too small proxies that move around the sleeve.

Best result were with cards that had an alternate art, either borders painted or just completely different art. They pop out and look cool, also it reminds me which card i still need to invest in the future ;)

EDIT: some of the cards just doesn't have a picture big enough, for instance Collected Company.. there are only grainy pictures available, sadly

Makes very nice proxies (minus the Magic Online scans that occasionally come up. Don't print the MTGO versions).
Print with a Horizontal Layout to get 8 to a page instead of 6.
You don't have to trim the borders, but if you do, they don't slip out of the sleeves as much at the top.

Source: have an entirely proxied cube because we have free colored printing here at school :D

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
I get 9 to a page fine, whether I'm over or under the correct size. I want them to all border each other so I can just slice them apart without cutting off white paper.