Dictate is a force multiplier that works off of number of creatures you have in play. It is probably the right cost for the amount of additional force it gives. Having flash makes it a cool trick. In my environment, having a bunch of creatures in play is NOT a given and with so many decks leveraging speed, sweepers or synergy engines, decks that attempt to commit to the board need effects like this to win tough games. I think Dictate allows them to do so in a more interesting way than something like Armageddon does.
There are definitely reasons not to run the card. If tokens/little kid decks are the most common or dominant strategy you shouldn't run this card, because it becomes a bomb. It busts open mirror matches and gives unnecessary power to those decks. If you want to encourage complex boardplay you shouldn't run this card, because it makes your creatures huge and can just ignore the complexity and attack into almost anything. If you are encouraging high interaction Legacy-lite gameplay, you probably shouldn't run this card since it goes in the opposite direction.
In my experience, its a good card, but Overrun is better. I run both and am happy with their effect on the environment.
There are definitely reasons not to run the card. If tokens/little kid decks are the most common or dominant strategy you shouldn't run this card, because it becomes a bomb. It busts open mirror matches and gives unnecessary power to those decks. If you want to encourage complex boardplay you shouldn't run this card, because it makes your creatures huge and can just ignore the complexity and attack into almost anything. If you are encouraging high interaction Legacy-lite gameplay, you probably shouldn't run this card since it goes in the opposite direction.
In my experience, its a good card, but Overrun is better. I run both and am happy with their effect on the environment.