General Fight Club


Secondly, I'm a huge fan of Dark Confidant in my cube, and I can't imagine having access to a second one wouldn't be crazy powerful.

In my experience this almost never happens. Could be a quirk of my playgroup, but black is one of the most hotly contested colors (probably because people understand it really well over here). Getting into confidant wars against the person who drafted the other one is always fun. Who can confidant better than the other guy? I just drew off of mine... wanna trade confidants?

edit: and yeah, when somebody does get two, it is kinda gross. But at that point I'm gonna just build the ultralow curve confidant sac/burn deck. This feels to me kinda like the rare draft that somebody manages to pull some gross five color deck together after getting lucky with fixing picks. It's like a neat thing that happens very rarely.
I actually added shit bob. :D he's a human in the right colour, after all.
Just saw he's a Wizard, too, so I guess I should get my hands on Snapcaster Mage and Riptide Laboratory. EDIT: and maybe Vendilion Clique? Another card of which I'm not sure if it might be too strong. I really have to post my cube list tomorrow so you people could help me evaluate.
Posting your list would be a huge help in determining appropriate includes :D Make a thread in the cube list section and include direct questions about things you want addressed, and I'm sure you'll find the community is generally happy to jump in and help unless your project is out of their purview (i.e, I never comment on large lists/limited-style lists because my eval skills aren't useful there).

I love Blood Scrivener and he's high on my reinclude list; I think he's better than Pain Seer personally but that depends largely on how you play them and how aggressively you're willing to discard/dump your hand to get extra value off of Blood Scrivener. He's also a zombie and a wizard, the former mattering much more often than the latter.


Ecstatic Orb
Priest of the Blood Rite was pretty lackluster in testing. Basically they remove the demon and ignore your 2/2. It is nifty in Birthing Pod decks. Bloodgift Demon was better, because it acts as both a finisher and a source of card advantage, and bounce doesn't screw you over hard.

Edit: Vendilion Clique is one of the best cards ever printed, it sits at a good power level, but the decisions are so dense with this card. When to play it, who to target, what card to take, whether to take a card at all, use it on offense or as a surprise blocker. I can't see anyone ending up being disappointed with this card. It is never leaving my cube.

Edit2: I cut Confidant after my current cube doesn't really offer a low mana curve for black-based decks.

Chris Taylor

I actually added shit bob. :D he's a human in the right colour, after all.
Just saw he's a Wizard, too, so I guess I should get my hands on Snapcaster Mage and Riptide Laboratory. EDIT: and maybe Vendilion Clique? Another card of which I'm not sure if it might be too strong. I really have to post my cube list tomorrow so you people could help me evaluate.

I will say that regardless of the power level of your list, clique is a blast to play with and against and is one of the best designed magic cards ever convieved.
I actually added shit bob. :D he's a human in the right colour, after all.
Just saw he's a Wizard, too, so I guess I should get my hands on Snapcaster Mage and Riptide Laboratory. EDIT: and maybe Vendilion Clique? Another card of which I'm not sure if it might be too strong. I really have to post my cube list tomorrow so you people could help me evaluate.

I really want to see Pain Seer in the same limited format as Lavamancer's Skill. {Q}


Not sure why either of those would count as unplayable, especially not taking power level of the environment into account. (I'm more of a fan of the drum, personally).
Goes really well with stuff like Whirler Rogue and pia and kiran nalaar, "crappy" confidant, and defensive stuffs like wall of omens, wall of roots, wall of blossoms etc.

If I was into running conspiracies I like that one a lot! Not into running conspiracies tho.

While I'm on a synergy roll:

My vote would be for viridian longbow, based on the pauper metric.

Bola sees 0 play, while longbow is a weapon of mass destruction in certain decks.
Hm, might you want Longbow more on things that have deatchtouch, Sengir, Stromkirk triggers and the like? Could bolas be better for getting your Inspired on? What does longbow get equipped to in pauper?
Here's a pair of cards that have a very similar effect:

Which one wins out? A sweet ETB and mono-color, or a lower mana cost?​

p.s sorry if this has already been done, I haven't been able to go through the whole thread.​