All those red 4-drops are really boring tho...
I'll still go to bat for Sarkhan Vol. It doesn't defend itself as well as the others (which could be a good thing given how most of us think about PWs) but it's a really scary card with multiple dimensions to it. It rewards horizontal growth while being good against vertical growth and it makes any topdecked creature an immediate threat. It often wins the game outright or puts them in range for next turn, and it's great with any sac outlet (Greater Gargadon, Goblin Bombardment, Evolutionary Leap); it also sticks around and threatens to Threaten again next turn so they have to take their defences down to attack it and it's easy enough to defend by leaving a random token back. The ultimate comes quickly and therefore poses another threat.
I find it an interesting card that changes the dynamics of the game in multiple ways and works against board stalls instead of contributing to them.
Hellrider > Hero of Oxid Ridge >> Battledriver
Hellrider and Oxid are very similar cards. Hellrider is better at pushing damage through big blockers, and Oxid is better at pushing damage through small blockers. The prevalence of big blockers and the greater consistency give Hellrider the nod.
I don't see Battledriver as an aggro curve topper at all, since it does nothing the turn you play it. It's really a midgame setup card for the tokens deck, much like Purphoros. In that deck, Battledriver is often better, but it's playing a different role.
Heelcutter is my 3/4 drop dash creature of choice!What do y'all think about vaultbreaker?
Wow. You know, this isn't a problem in any playgroup, like mine, that is like "You know I get a token if you do that, right? Are you sure you want to do that?" whenever someone tries to cast an instant with Voice out. I very much love Saffi, but I also love Voice. It's a superb target for Birthing Pod, and a nice foil against counterspells. As long as you're not being an asshole when someone wants to take back their instant, it has a bunch of play to it, without making people unhappy. Well, except blue mages, but nobody feels sorry for them anyway
- Leads to unfun moments for opponent when they forget that it also pumps out tokens when you play instants.
- I will reiterate that, because 50% of people seem to forget that ability
Have you considered Phyrexian Reclamation? I've been pretty happy with it in the long term value enchantment slot. If you're considering Greed, go one better and go for Erebos, God of the Dead.Ok, thought on some cards fighting over singular card 'slots':
I think I've moved beyond the whip! Finally having picked up a dread return, I no longer need this clogging up myspells. What should I put in instead? The first thing that came to mind was:
But is this too slow, too durdly? The second thought was to seize the chance to lower the curve some and go for something more value oriented, like
Thoughts on what people like in this slot?
Do people like this card? Its really cool as an additional piece for a D&T style deck, but I have no idea what to take out... first thought was
But I've really liked the fusion he brings to go-wide and go-tall. All in all, white 3's seem really cramped. Are either of these actually worth it? One over the other?
that's a good point about the "aura" thing.If countless battles said enchantments instead of auras, I would be able to like it maybe. As is, I'd rather Wingmare.
What's the argument for getting rid of Whip? Other than the lifegain being excessive at times, the card is so great. Reanimator engines that are playable and not utterly broken are hard to come by and such a sweet effect for graveyard shenanigans.
I currently run Reclamation and love itHave you considered Phyrexian Reclamation? I've been pretty happy with it in the long term value enchantment slot. If you're considering Greed, go one better and go for Erebos, God of the Dead.
As for Vryn Wingmare, I actually recently cut Thalia herself. I'm not sure hatebears as an archetype works in cube. The various threats are too varied and the deck can't be focused like it is in constructed. Considering that most of us support Spells Matter in white, Thalia and Wingmare are nonbo's with a good chunk of white decks.
Whip is a nice engine, but the lifelink really can make it feel like it's impossible to win through. If I wanted to keep that sort of engine alive, I have thought of potentially:
yeah, I know, and it's definitely a bummer. Same for stuff like intuitionThat card would require graveyard being ordered and its reserved list so we're never getting a pretty reprint. Pass. I probably will replace whip when we get a better reanimator engine but I don't want to take it out yet for anything. Unearth every turn is too fun.
How do these rank compared to each other?