General Fight Club

Dictate of Karametra > Heartbeat and Mana Reflection seem to be pretty close to each other.

Dictate costs 5 but when you want such effects to happen you probably have more mana than that to begin with. Flash enables less risky situations compared to heartbeat where you usually have to pass the turn first before the big turn.

I haven't tried Mana Reflection, but i think the flash is better than paying six for a one sided effect and letting the opponent get a chance to deal with the enchantment before your big turn.

I suppose there's a question as to why you want these effects anyway (and presumably you already have mirari's wake? My gut feel would be towards the dictate, but I remember on twitter Kranny wrote how underrated Mana Reflection was. If you're going to go to six, would you not just play Zendikar's resurgence? (which you are already, right?)

In a vaccum Declaration - fairer and takes down tokens. But would depend on if you have an enchantment and/or prowess theme going on.
I like Journey because it lets green decks fight back against removal. But I run a fair amount of incidental artifact/enchantment destruction. If you don't have much, Declaration is probably preferable.

What do you guys think about these guys? I'm trying to support big zoo and green aggro. Timbermare seemed really interesting to me until I realized it's basically a green lava axe. Does anyone have any experience with it?
Timbermare is kind of janky, Solifuge is pretty trash nowadays, Surrak and Vengevine are decent. I cut Surrak a while back after running him for a bit because he just didn't bring anything interesting to the table. Vengevine though? He's staying forever. Applies pressure as a hasty threat and I like giving drafters the chance to pull off cool sequences like discarding him early and sandbagging creature spells for a big turn.
I was big on Surrak when it came out, but there are times it's just a 5/4 dude, which is fine but pretty marginal for a green 4. Vengevine is one of my favorite green cards ever. I'm can't foresee ever cutting that.
I agree with this. Surrak gets there on power level, but he's kind of boring. Vengevine, on the other hand, also gets there on power level, and is cool as hell.
Farseek. Restore is better in the cases when you have the parts, but what if all your fetches and sacrifice utility lands are in the bottom half of your deck?

Jason Waddell

Staff member

Chris Taylor


Deffinitly efreet. Stitched drake is WAY harder than it needs to be, on top of being double blue, and fettergeist too explicitly a control only card for my tastes, where even the most dedicated control decks in my cube usually have a looter, solemn simulacrum or flametounge kavu lying around. I'm not happy with efreet, and I'd run more of a 3 mana 3/4 flier if I had one I was happy with, but a lone efreet has at least been decent.
