Flavour Judge's Tower

I had a battlebox in RTR era that I used for kitchen table games and to get my housemates into the game, in reality it was 1000 bulk cards from ebay rather than anything tightly designed and curated, it was possibly the best magic I ever played. I've been inspired to build another one by the wonderful TrainmasterGT's Unstable Cubicorns and landofMordor's All Terrain Battlebox; and I've got broadly similar design goals. The rock solid MTG rules engine combined with the almost complete elimination of negative variance with the battlebox land system leads to tight technical games with zero setup, suitable for enfranchised players. We can make it accessible to casual or infrequent players by focussing on apparently simple and easily grokkable cards, with complexity emerging from the combination of simple elements rather than individually complicated cards. I'm aiming to keep the flavour pretty tight, close to OG, as Garfield intended, alpha-beta-1.0 (m10 is magic 1.0 fight me). Partly for the nostalgia hit of craw wurms and royal assassins, and partly because they tend to do a good job of piggybacking designs onto relatable concepts to make it easier for infrequent players. We want to jump players straight past the card comprehension layer of the game to the strategic layer of the game, without having to know a deck and format inside out. Ideally you should be able to describe an in-game sequence as two wizards duelling using natural language, rather than thick magic jargon. Almost the polar opposite of a Judges Tower.

Treating the stack as one big deck, we can make estimates for the amount of each effect required, and take multiples (if neccessary) of the most suitably designed card. Ideally looking for cards with simple effects and names that give you an idea of the effect before you even get to the text box. Old frame and non-digital ("analog"?) art preferred, good flavour text is icing. Aiming for a flattish powerlevel, don't want the draw step to determine games but the lack of variance in the format means we can probably support a wider power level than a well-designed cube without breaking anything. Any keywords must appear on multiple cards to increase the ROI on grokking any individual card. Will be limiting cards with memory requirements, or cards with extra practical requirements like token generators - each unique token requirement added to the set reduces overall space in the physical box and slows down play. Also will be reducing modal effects where possible, battlebox already leads to relatively complex game states and modal cards explode decision trees to an uncomfortable degree.

I'll be spitballing here, almost a notebook of cool cards I find as I build up the box.
First card that came to mind is Phylactery Lich but I don't think I'll be able to get the artifact count high enough to make it playable.

Want to include a wall cycle, candidates are:

Wall of Essence
Wall of Glare
Wall of Frost
Fog Bank
Wall of Blood
Wall of Fire
Wall of Lava
Wall of Vines

Wall of Frost over Fog Bank, to keep the "wall of" thing going. Fire over lava, matches the inevitable inclusion of the firebreathing mechanic. Essence over Glare to keep frame and templating consistent across the cycle. Only gripe is that Wall of Blood doesn't have "Defender" printed in it's modern printing.

This also pushes the inclusion of Invisibility, flavourful and choice of inclusion between beta and modern frame. It's a shame the implementation of deathtouch doesn't match the old Thicket Basilisk templating, doesn't make sense for a Moss Viper to destroy a Wall of Lava.
Cut Recruitment Officer to elimate any reference to "bottom of library". Added Green 1s:

Copperhorn Scout
Moss Viper
Stampede Driver
Ivy Elemental

I wish Ulvenwald Tracker made more sense, so close to being a cool card. Also Zodiac Monkey really deserves a less odd name.

Adding a few other elementals to fit with Ivy:

Lightning Elemental
Cloud Elemental

Air and Fire Elemental are possible adds, but they're a bit too generic. Completing dragons with Flameblast Dragon and Bone Dragon. Reassembling Skeleton to mirror Bone Dragon, might have these in multiple but will have to keep an eye on graveyard hate and exile-kill spells.

Handful of other cards that are either iconic or just fun designs:

Serene Master
Royal Assassin
Stone Giant - my favourite ABU card, will be using the modern frame version for the templating and art. Stone Giant-ing a Mountain goat is an achievement I'm hunting.
Fling - anybody know how to specify versions for the tooltip images?
Goblin Diplomats
Alluring Siren
Day of Judgment
Giant Growth
Serra Angel
Sengir Vampire
Lord of the Pit
Two-Headed Giant
Fencing Ace
Time Warp
Firewing Phoenix - wanted a phoenix, I think this has least baggage?
Mitotic Slime - love this enough to include even as a token producer.
Miming Slime - easy add if we're including ooze tokens.

I'm finding it almost impossible to find suitable versions of cards I like, cards always seem to fail on border,frame,art, or templating. I'd pay way too much to WotC for print on demand versions with my choice of frame, templating, art and flavour text.
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I'm finding it almost impossible to find suitable versions of cards I like, cards always seem to fail on border,frame,art, or templating. I'd pay way too much to WotC for print on demand versions with my choice of frame, templating, art and flavour text.
have you heard of MakePlayingCards.com?
have you heard of MakePlayingCards.com?
You sent me on a journey down a rabbit hole, there's some incredible stuff being made. I don't have any issue in principle with customs/proxies/reproductions, but am I right in thinking it's difficult in getting anything printed that might infringe on copyright, card backs for example? That means cards won't play nice with the rest of my collection and it's only suitable for a "completed" cube that isn't ever going to change, and surely creating an entire cube's worth of proxies is a massive task?

Chris Taylor

am I right in thinking it's difficult in getting anything printed that might infringe on copyright, card backs for example?
Personally, I use this as my card back when I order off MPC:

That means cards won't play nice with the rest of my collection and it's only suitable for a "completed" cube that isn't ever going to change, and surely creating an entire cube's worth of proxies is a massive task?
Every card I've ordered from them integrates seamlessly with my regular magic cards, you don't need your cube to be specifically 100% MPC orders.

If you want to see if someone's done the work for you, try looking here: http://mpcfill.com/
And if what you want isn't there (or sucks), you can make it yourself here: https://cardconjurer.vercel.app/
I don't think they have any of the frames from march of the machines (yet?) but there's still tons of stuff to use.