Forum Aesthetics and Usability

  • Is there an easy text tag for mana symbol groups?
  • I'd love hybrid symbols!
  • I also like harder lines, but not 1997 lookin serious vBulletin plz
  • I find the post toolbar is inaccessible on my mobile and this often prevents me from making rash posts, I'd like that to change.
  • Another mobile related folly: Even fingers of my acute daintiness have often been met with a logout attempt whenever I press upon the alerts bar. I wish this would be so less often
  • I'd really like it if the site always said a nice or funny thing to me when I logged in or something. (I totes remember a wargaming site that always had a pithy phrase in the tab bar that named the tab you were browsing.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Those are fantastic suggestions, Lucas. I think the first three are viable, and I can start getting on those immediately.

Mobile is a different matter. The version of Xenforo we're on - 1.1 - has jack-all support for mobile, unfortunately, so there's not much we can do to improve the user experience at the moment. Thankfully, the newer Xenforo 1.2 supposedly has better native support for mobile. There are a couple of other notable improvements in the newer version that I'd like to pick up, as well. It's just a matter of finding a block of free time in my calendar in which to schedule the site migration, along with porting over and testing the custom code we've written.

Hah, pithy statement generator? That's a fun suggestion. We'll see what we can do!
One thing really, since this seems to have been revived slightly. After the first deluge of e-mails which absolutely crapped my mailbox, I ticked off the automatic e-mail notifications - however, the first batch which were autoflagged to be sent were still pouring into my inbox, so I had to manually unwatch those. Might just have been a fluke, but that's how it went for me. It would be nice if it, when removing the automatic e-mails it would reset all your watched threads to not send them.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Yeah I had the same problem and it was pretty annoying. That was ages ago though and I didn't think it was still an issue. Shows what I know.
Is there sig functionality? On thing I've noticed during conversations is that it would be really useful to reference people's cubes for context.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Yes, you can have a sig, but most people don't use them. See my posts for reference. Sig appears only once per thread page though.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Actually there's an option to see signatures, look in preferences. Mine is unticked so maybe that's the default.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
It seems unusual, but I am happy with it. I find signatures really clog everything up, but at least it's a cool way to be expressive. God knows how hard it is to be expressive on a forum, what with using only words and images and links and embedded videos and an avatar.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Geez, all this time I didn't even realize sigs were off by default in users' preferences. Thanks for letting me know.

I also didn't realize you guys are getting subscribed to threads by default whenever you reply. Yikes!

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Hybrid mana symbols! Only, like, a year overdue.

Use the text below, or just pick 'em from the smiley menu.



Jason Waddell

Staff member
I remember that in one of the Next-Great-Designer things they dumped on some dude for making a weak, colorless burn spell, and then they printed Gut Shot.