Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Those local L2's do have very chameleon-like properties. Maybe judge is a codeword for changeling.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
LOL. I didn't.

This same guy was fashionably late to our draft, and with nine people sitting there twiddling our thumbs, one of whom had to leave within two hours, we decided to fire the draft right then and there, empty chair and all. Our fix? Give him a random card from each pack, MODO style. This lasted for about 18 picks before he showed up, aghast at what was transpiring before his eyes.

His deck ended up being surprisingly playable.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Whelp, here's something about hitchhiking: I just stuck it on my tumblr as private, so let me know if the link doesn't work. I have never posted anything on my tumblr. I changed a couple names to protect the innocent, which was probably unnecessary.
Anyway, I need to write more often, I know. Studying mathematics has not helped, and the age of twitter has made me actually afraid to ever write anything very long. I'm afraid everyone will glance at it and their eyes will just slide off the text. As a guy who has spent a lot of time on imgur, 4chan, and funnyjunk, I know this because it's what I do when I see a lot of text.
One day I'll hitch hike to New Zealand and write such an amazing book about it that my friends will read it and smile and I'll disappear from history like everyone else.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Top Commenter · <Redacted> at <Redacted>
Crushed <redacted> in 2 of these. After the first one, we went down to 12 packs. 18 is way too many. I could see 14 being reasonable, 18 is absurd.

Hmm... with 12 packs each player only gets 30 - 36 picked cards. Then you get decks that are as terrible as Winchester decks (or worse). Never read the comments I suppose.

Dom Harvey

I've realized that for whatever reason I don't really like planeswalkers (or at least generic planeswalkers) but I do like cards that act like planeswalkers e.g. Primeval Bounty, Obelisk of Alara, Trading Post. Can anyone think of more examples of these?



too ez


Staff of Domination, Morphlingish creatures (Thornling and AEtherling) off the top of my head.

I've been trying to figure out a way to search for things with multiple activated abilities (let's say 4+) on for ages, but I can't get it to work.

threadjack: what if this card were good in cube


Rob Dennis

I've been trying to figure out a way to search for things with multiple activated abilities (let's say 4+) on for ages, but I can't get it to work.

according to gatherer accepts regular expressions so something like:

would match cards that have 4 or more lines with a colon, and in current templating, that _should_ be close enough to activated abilities

that being said, their regex querying doesn't seem suuuper efficient, so my request is taking a long time and may time out.


A+ would read again

Re the first paragraph -- the nice thing about designing a Cube is that you don't have to work with the same restrictions / requirements of commercial success that Wizards does (the Modo Cube designers are good at design, all of them, but you wouldn't know it from said Cube). Compare it to tutoring vs. teaching public HS

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Re the first paragraph -- the nice thing about designing a Cube is that you don't have to work with the same restrictions / requirements of commercial success that Wizards does

Yeah, I kind of touched on this in the Set Cubes thing. I am very confident that if Wizards wanted to design a set from scratch with no restrictions (i.e. no NWO concerns, these cards would never touch constructed, didn't worry about making their regular sets obsolete) that the resulting set would be outrageously good.
Staff of Domination, Morphlingish creatures (Thornling and AEtherling) off the top of my head.

I've been trying to figure out a way to search for things with multiple activated abilities (let's say 4+) on for ages, but I can't get it to work.

threadjack: what if this card were good in cube

That card used to be one of my favourite peasant cards. I used to play this a lot in cube in green based control decks. Rude awakening really revolutionized this field, but it never felt that much worse than decree of justice because you could always just make a million 2/2's a turn or two later.

Sorta dating myself but those were all really good cube cards when I started. So was roar of the wurm and things like mirari's wake.


"You know, Mother Lucille, there's a psychological concept known as denial, that I believe you're evincing. It's when cutting Mirari's Wake is so hateful that the mind literally rejects it."

Jason: MMA (kind of) -- though I'll reiterate that the main mystery of MMA for me is not, "why are other sets way worse than this?" but "why isn't it even better?"

Jason Waddell

Staff member
"You know, Mother Lucille, there's a psychological concept known as denial, that I believe you're evincing. It's when cutting Mirari's Wake is so hateful that the mind literally rejects it."

Jason: MMA (kind of) -- though I'll reiterate that the main mystery of MMA for me is not, "why are other sets way worse than this?" but "why isn't it even better?"

I don't understand the question and I won't respond to it.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
MMA was nice because, despite some bad drafting dynamics vis a vis the Poison Principle, the games were actually pretty fun to play.

It wasn't better because the set was combining disjoint archetypes from several years worth of sets that didn't mesh together all that well. But that's more of an issue with the premise than the design.


MMA was nice because, despite some bad drafting dynamics vis a vis the Poison Principle, the games were actually pretty fun to play.

It wasn't better because the set was combining disjoint archetypes from several years worth of sets that didn't mesh together all that well. But that's more of an issue with the premise than the design.

yeah, i felt the subthemes like Modular, Affinity, Faeries, Storm were quite half-assed. That in addition to the steepish power curve (filler vs. reprints) made it usually right to just play 5c Green and Tromp the shit out of people with your 10 other bomb uncommons.

with said poison principle, bad cards, power curve, stupid mythics, etc. it was still far, far better than any draft environment in years, though.

Rob Dennis

Radiant's Judgement
Cubable? (Based on my good experiences with Expunge)

this is a blank against every* creature at 3 CMC or less, so like LSV said in his set review from innistrad:

Against non-green decks, this will mostly just hit their bombs, but that isn’t actually a bad place to be. By forcing you to save your removal, Smite is actually making you play better. Hooray!

so, are you interested in removal that's narrow in this specific way, in a color that has a lot of point removal options?