Like the typical EDH group can finish a game in 4 hours. You have to actually commit and kill someone to do that!
I googled a bit, and it seems like.. it's not easy. Is there any way you could switch to WordPress at this point, or is your blog already established? WordPress offers free hosting, too, and has better plug-in support for both card tooltips and decklists, courtesy of Of course, if you've already planted roots on blogger, it may or may not be worthwhile to uproot your site, depending on how much Magic content you plan to host.
edit: Whoops, saw your other thread just now. Try putting the following somewhere in the <head> of your blogger template?
Code:<script src=""></script>
That sting at the end just bristles me though. I feel like I've got two hobbys right now in my life: WoW and cubing. (Represented in this metaphor by smoking weed and cooking) I can smoke weed whenever I want, it doesn't take that much time, and I've made a few friends doing so. I enjoy it, but it doesn't really add much to my life.
Cooking on the other hand is really nice, I end up spending quality time with some great people, and while I keep looking up recipes and sharpening my knives, whenever I try and cook for anyone, the response is "I dunno man, I'm hungry now. Can't we just grab Taco Bell?"
You can't WoW and cube. You CAN smoke weed and cook. Are you familiar with Roy Choi? He has a recipe for ketchup fried rice and goddamn if it's not one of the tastiest things you can eat in any state of mind. Also send some of your favorite recipes my way. I love cooking.
I've been playing 2048. Anybody interested in an advanced strategy video?