awesome suggestions, thank you, i've build most of these into my file
Does anybody have good combos with this bad dude, that don't go infinite? Can't find any that are not OP as hell.
you're right, i should put all of that cycle in.
thanks for those jason, but i already had them in my cubetutor list.
Does anyone know a flexible card that's both graveyard hate AND removal?
he's one of my 2-offs in the cubeThat white flash gargoyle dude (can't remember the name) is sometimes removal + GY hate.
Like sever the bloodline? I think in this cube it probably gets the nod over the newer gild
I don't think there's anything that says "choose one: terminate or relic of progenitus" IIRC
I mean I like it, but If shatter is marginal, and tormod's crypt is marginal, and you never cast the 3rd mode....
he's one of my 2-offs in the cubei looked over the existing charms and found two: Jund and Naya Charm. the Problem is, that i don't like to have 3 colored cards while i don't have that much fixing.
I could have used the third mode against Dougggggg on Sunday...