Yeah, I just drafted Boros bears full of just commons and uncommons on Friday and kind of cruised to an easy 3-0 in my pod. Being able to punch through for a few points early plus chip away with that one guy that you can pay 1W to fly (I had 3) for that turn tends to get the job done. It was actually kind of like playing the BW Humans archetype from my cube; just draft a really low curve, apply pressure early and often, point your removal at blockades and/or run guys into them to punch in more damage, then close it out with some sort of reach.
The format doesn't seem to have a ton of interesting interplay to it though. Golgari blows, Boros can just run over decks with a low curve, UBx decks just grind forever, Izzet is more cute than effective unless you have the nuts, and Selesnya is middling with nothing all that impressive. I just don't see how some ambitious multicolor pile slowed down by gates would actually manage to deal with a finely drafted Boros deck tbh, it just throws a complete wrench into things. I'll probably draft it one more time just to check it out some more, but it feels pretty shallow overall.