Chris Taylor
it's the kind of card name r/custommagic would instantly decry as stupid and bad, and they're experts at being stupid and bad
Though not so much at self awareness
it's the kind of card name r/custommagic would instantly decry as stupid and bad, and they're experts at being stupid and bad
I really hope eternalize is always a "4/4 black zombie token" because that makes the double strike cat pretty frickin sweet as reach and beef for Wx fast-game decks
Mana Leak and Impulse sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!View attachment 1417
This... is really good.
View attachment 1417
This... is really good.
Counter unless three is better than counter unless two, and impulse is waaaaay better than cycling. This card is really solid.Hey wait a minute! This is just miscalculation!
Granted it's the miscalculation you'd make if any sort of 2cmc counter was too strong, but it's still basically that card. Impulse is better, granted, but I'm not actually so hot on this one.
This gets me a little excited for EDH.
I wonder if that cat is the real solution: Replacement level front, but mythic over the top level backside. (Maybe I'm not hip to the new magic, butfor a 4/4 double strike seems roughly Verdurous Gearhulk levels of insane)
I'm honestly not even sure how playable the cat is. Both ends feel to me like they play into medium to low floors, but allow for high ceilings, where as something like gearhulk is just consistently high powered.
The good news for you is that Dragno-Style Twins is pretty poop, so the cat seems like a safe upgrade to Fencing Ace! Getting a 4/4 double strike for free on your Ace is pretty sweet!That's probably much closer.
He sounds like he wrestled for the intercontinental championship once