Sets Hour of Devastation Thread

Oh that's why I thought that lol I'm not saying someone needs to alter him into Lance Storm, but someone needs to alter him into Lance Storm


Ecstatic Orb
Who else is exited for this guy? Seems like a sweet token producer in {G/W}. Also, there's a few actual cats in my cube already, so this could realistically etb as a 3/3!



Ecstatic Orb

Holy shit this is SWEET!
To each one's own, nice is subjective as I like a variety of lands moreso than uniform, plus it's hard to just choose 1-5 arts so I like giving my players as many options as possible. But I mean, the only thing stopping Symbol Status from being good is that, so if that's a hurdle then so be it but the card is great in cubes that support it.

FWIW I also include a number of the same land too for when it doesn't matter, but both the appeal of symbol status and the wide range of awesome arts is more appealing to me. It's almost like my basic box is a magic art history lesson, as there tends to be styles and choices from all of the 20+ years of magic's existence. It's cool!

Show me! :) I do the same.

Do you have a link to the lands? Otherwise could you merely tell me which ones you have?

This is my Basic Land Box:

Mana Leak + Impulse split card? I like it. Not sure it stacks up properly to other blue three drops in cube, but I'll try any form card advantage atleast once. Now if you'll excuse me I have to get back to decking myself by accident.
I think Supreme Will is pretty strong, but it's not card advantage.

The two effects complement each other very well since you can keep mana up and decide whether to counter something or dig. When the 3 mana becomes irrelevant, Impulse is at its best.
I was referring to the converted mana cost that I predict will cause it to be more difficult to play unless you are willing to pay a higher opertunity cost. Good point on when the Impulse side becomes more appealing. However, I would consider Impulse to be card advantage as it allows you to get dead draws out of your way while exchanging an otherwise dead card for a potentially relevant card.


Ecstatic Orb
I was referring to the converted mana cost that I predict will cause it to be more difficult to play unless you are willing to pay a higher opertunity cost. Good point on when the Impulse side becomes more appealing. However, I would consider Impulse to be card advantage as it allows you to get dead draws out of your way while exchanging an otherwise dead card for a potentially relevant card.
Card advantage is one of the best defined concepts in Magic (and card games in general): "Card advantage (often abbreviated CA) is a term used in collectible card game strategy to indicate one player having access to more cards than another player, usually by drawing more cards through in-game effects." Using the Impulse side of the card costs you one card (the Supreme Will), and gives you one card, which means your net gain is 0. It isn't a tempo thing where every other player has a different definition of the concept. So no, it's not card advantage. The fact that you can draw past useless cards is irrelevant, as your library is an unknown quantity. It could very well be that the three most important cards you could draw are in the top four, in which case you actually worsen your chances of winning.



Like I know my brain is going "omg this is like a 6 for 1!!!11one" but oh man

It really reeks of rich get richer. If a creature based deck is ahead on the board against a control deck, then they win the game. If a control deck is able to keep the board under control, then the card does very little. I am not sure if there is a middle road where the trample and menace are the relevant parts of the card.
Show me! :) I do the same.

Do you have a link to the lands? Otherwise could you merely tell me which ones you have?

This is my Basic Land Box:

No link unfortunately, and I don't really keep track of what's in there, but I make sure to try and grab at minimum a forest from every set that comes out and then i'll acquire the rest other ways. I've been playing on and off for a while too so there just happen to be a lot of random ones.

Those are incredible though! Not sure why you have cards like Acidic Slime and the like in there, but ya got yer homie here jealous lol :)
I think this card is great, and automatically made me think of this forum. Powerful, enables multiple archetypes, but not like super OP and dies to enough to make it palatable. Like, if you can't remove this angel, it's not really the card's fault i.e. there are a lot of things that deal with it.
Reason // Fight
Scry 3
Look at top card of library, if creature onto battlefield, otherwise put in hand

I like this spell a lot. Efficient blue card quality spell, and then powerful green CA later. Creature onto battlefield can also be super stronk. Plays really well with a lot of what UG likes doing.
This card seems pretty bad. Unless you're playing the first half into the second half later in the game, you aren't really rewarded for playing the first part t1 and then the second later. And the first half isn't really that great since you're going down a card to just scry, which is fine but also kinda sucky.

Like, the ceiling is high since you're putting this in a deck where the 5 mana part will hit something huge, but if you're in a situation where you can miss? How many games of cube are won when you're spending 5 mana to draw a card? Like, super bad.
Or you play this turn 1 to fix your draws, then Brainstorm the turn before you can use Fight. Doesn't seem that hard to abuse honestly. Pretty cool design!

You're putting tons of pressure both on your deck and hand to reward your five mana play. You need the deck manipulation, and then you need the thing you're manipulating your way towards to be there. So yeah, there are scenarios where its bing-bang-boom, but you can't ignore the scenarios where you're flipping a coin or worse to hit, and that's not really a cube card and ESPECIALLY not one that vies for the 3-5 spots it can fit into in every cube. I'd rather just run simic cards that don't have 'you virtually lose the game after casting this' as the floor.
Yeah totally. If the back-end costed 1 or 2 less it would be a lot more palatable since you could potentially set it up more consistently from t1->when it's ready.