General How to make white aggro not suck.

Just came here from James's Enchantment Removal thread... with an idea. How would:

Work with this kind of support:

I guess the issue is, that unless you follow Myth Realized with another Myth Realized, he's not really attacking on T2 for damage. He also sorta prevents you from casting two drops if you want to attack. I dunno, maybe there's a way to make it work.

Maybe this could be broadened to an Enchantment-Aggro theme? Does this get too narrow/poisony in practice? I'm sure this has been tried out before somewhere (drawing inspiration from the Heroic decks in Standard):
I haven't had much time to test it yet, but I like Myth Realized. I think you have basically two options to make it work: build a high-synergy spells-matter aggro-control deck that is midrange-speed, or put it in a control deck.
Myth Realized is really sweet, but it only fits into certain decks and even then only if it's your T1-T3 play. Otherwise, it's not very likely to play a role in your match as the cost for putting a lore counter on there is too steep to do so multiple times in one turn. I would definitely stick it in your cube if you're looking for an interesting enchantment and artificially bumping up your creature count.
I tried Myth Realized for a long time, but it unfortunately never worked here, despite being a very popular pick (we all love doing stupid weird crap when we can). Even if you drop it T1, it generally proved to be an unsatisfying mana sink, and the fact that it didn't interact well with cards that creature decks tend to like made it even more frustrating. There was about 1 instance I can recall where it was "Neat", due largely because the opposing player forgot about it existing, but generally speaking, it played out as an overpriced chump blocker. Which is weird to me, because it seems ideal for my format: I love cheap things (mana-wise), cute bullshit (LORE COUNTERS WOWWWW), and mana sinks to keep the game rolling after everyone has summoned their battle dumplings. And yet the sink was often a complete mistake, because it's simply too much mana due to the activation cost to animate taxing you every time you want to use it. In an aggro deck, it feels like Cumulative Upkeep; in a control deck, it's a very, very poor crutch. It seems like it could be So Cool, but it wasn't; not for us, anyway. It simply defies all logic. Manlands are fantastic includes in my format, so why is this card, which can also be animated, and grown to be huge, such garbage? I have no idea. Perhaps it's the lack of synergy with black-based recursion and green-based creature strategies and equipment? Maybe the mana sink is just incorrectly costed? I haven't a clue. But if you get it to work, I mean, kudos.