Sets [IKO] Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths

By and large, all R&D departments are by definition there to push the envelope (To develop: to expand by a process of growth; to determine the possibilities of [mtg in this case]). They are usually also at the behest of a very powerful department: marketing. That's a nasty combination, and isn't unique to WotC's R&D dept, having worked in one myself.

So we can tout the mythical power of MaRo all we want, but I'm betting dollar to a donut there were other more powerful forces at play here. I'm also guessing the feedback from MaRo and others was what kept it to 5 rare legendary creatures.


Ecstatic Orb
10 you mean. I think Rasmus may have hit the nail on its head.

Step 1. Notice that Commander is a super popular format.
Step 2. Make Standard more like Commander so you can lure those players into playing Standard!
Step 3. ???
Step 4. Profit!

Fits a bit too well, doesn't it? There's even a companion that literally turns your Standard deck into a Commander deck (with a sideboard)!
yah meant 10. Those 4 steps are an example of exactly what I'm talking about. Marketing pressure on R&D. Companions working like Commanders was certainly one of the very first things that sprung to mind when I saw them.
Which is a shame because playing some brawl on arena made me realize how much I would like a singleton 1v1 60-card 20 health format (with no commander!). I don't really feel like I want to invest the time and money to get a constructed deck together, and singleton is a really nice way to play with more of the card pool.
You know what? Didn't even occur to me that I could just show up to a standard tournament with a singleton deck haha, that would be kinda fun actually. Or Pioneer maybe! Since I have a bunch of cards from cube anyway.
I forget who it was, but someone played, I believe, singleton RDW at a PT. I think they were trying to show how stupidly redundant RDW is. Burn and small dudes. Done.

As for the companion shit, I agree that the cards needed to be significantly milder incentives. I wouldn't even let the black ones into my cube as normal cards, except maybe BR. Having them be a +1 is so excessive. Too bad, because a few of them are pretty cool.
Just wanted to say, this format is busted but I'm having a lot of fun with Yorion Fires.

The thing is, I don't think the companion itself is that strong. Too easy to get? Sure. But the idea is not that strong, despite being a sixth card. The problem is that most companies draw you even more cards. Half of the time, I play Yorion and get 3-4 cards in the form of Baby Teferi triggers, Elspeth defeats Death and Sea Omens.And that's such a large amount that the engine just keeps going and feeding itself.

I have like a 70% win rate, which is absurd. I took out all the big luxuries like Sharknado and put in more removal. Who cares about getting more value when three quarters of your decks nets you card advantage? As long as you don't die you are assured to keep churning until your opponent begs mercy.