I like to get some good unfinished chunks of ideas to play with, it tends to get me thinking in the way other people do and appreciating other parts of the game I might not normally notice. I thought I'd ask my riptide pals what parts of magic really get them going and what they feel like they are looking for.
- What are some types of magic cards you really like? What would you like to see more of in terms of cards and environmental dynamics? (Wow was extort ever a sweet eye opener for me, I'm very impressed by how proactive and multidimensional most modern decks are)
- What are some holes you find in modern design? What are some abilities you wish you would see more often? Angles you find are under developed? (I've always been sad lands felt like a bit of a plain, dull, concession in your deck, landfall and cycling helps but boy would I like lands to be more interactive and the sequencing to have more interest to it)
- What are some types of cards you feel like could be better supported or would be better if the environment was right for them? (Theros did a fair, if rather blatant, job of supporting combat trickery)
- What are some straight flavor things you'd like to see more of or want to get deeper treatment? (Tutors really feel cool to me, some extra-dimensional jerk whispers in my ear and now I have the key to reanimation? I think I share CML’s enjoyment of the depiction of clergy and religion in magic)
- Where are some areas you're really happy with the interaction between flavor and mechanic or environment? (Evoke creatures are sweet, those monsters can also be iconic spells! Memory Lapse feels like it really got it right. Conversely wtf does a magma jet have to do with scrying?)