General Jitte and assorted GRBS, P1P1, etc.

Rakdos aggro sure was fun to play against swagtusk and sphinx rev. Oh, wait, no.

Given that BR aggro demolished UWx control and Junk reanimator to win like a billion GPs in a row at one point, I'd say it was pretty fun for the cult of Rakdos...

Rev in Cube is so much more fun than Rev in Standard. Probably because you're only facing one of them.

"Cube is a singleton format" - Jason Waddell, 2014
Given that BR aggro demolished UWx control and Junk reanimator to win like a billion GPs in a row at one point, I'd say it was pretty fun for the cult of Rakdos...

I mostly failed since I didn't want to shell out for thundermaws. That, and I probably suck a bit at constructed ;)


part of the joy of BR is you didn't even need 5-drop dragons (iirc) -- hellriders and aristocrats were so good. much of my beef with 5's comes from playing aggro decks in these formats, like wtf are you going to do, curve into a thundermaw? it was by far the worst card in mono-red, for example
part of the joy of BR is you didn't even need 5-drop dragons (iirc) -- hellriders and aristocrats were so good. much of my beef with 5's comes from playing aggro decks in these formats, like wtf are you going to do, curve into a thundermaw? it was by far the worst card in mono-red, for example

MVP of the format


Ecstatic Orb

Is this GRBS? It's not game-breaking in the way that Jitte or Memory Adept are, but the team-wide mass lifelink can make games drag on foreverrrrr, with no end in sight.

I cut it from my cube for that exact reason, even though I really like the card. I like that it's an enchantment and an artifact, I like the slow reanimation value it provides, and I like that it grants a relevant ability to your whole team. It's just, lifelink makes games go looooooooong x_x
I think he'd be much worse and still be in GRBS zone.

Would be a nice design, though. Zombies pop out of his chest, fall on the ground, take a turn to get up and start walking towards you.