At first glance, I read over new Ajani and said to myself, "casual card". The more I mull over it, though, the more I'm inclined to think it might be good. Part of it is that he reminds me of a planeswalker we all know and love, the one that's unquestionably the best in cube.
If you could indulge me and ignore the casting cost for a second: same starting loyalty, same loyalty costs, similarly underwhelming ultimates. How do the first two abilities stack up, then?
Well, his counter distribution and Elspeth's
Angelic Blessing line up pretty closely. Now, evasion is a big game - especially when you're trying to take the fight to other planewalkers - but having the counters stick around is no joke, either, so I think we can call this one roughly a wash.
How about
Impulsing for creature pals versus popping out 1/1 bodies? This one's a tougher nut to crack. Elspeth was
so good because she defended herself immediately, didn't require anything of you as a deckbuilder, and provided her own tokens in which she could later pump. A self-sustaining ball of synergy. With Ajani, it's unlikely you'll be able to dig and cast a creature on the same turn you cast him, so he's already slightly worse at defence. He also requires that you play some actual creatures to best make use of his ability - no all-walker Superfriends decks here, folks. In return for putting animals into your WG deck, though - something that you were, in all likelihood, going to do anyways - he brings them to the front lines fast, even though you then have to foot the bill for their services at that point. With all that text in this paragraph having been spewed out, is this ability better than getting a 1/1 for free - no questions asked - every turn? I'm going to go ahead and say
probably, though I think it's close.
So. We have a walker that lines up
approximately to Elspeth in power level, and is arguably only slightly better. Is that minor upgrade worth a full extra mana?
That's the million dollar question.
We all know that Elspeth is one of the strongest planeswalkers ever printed, and makes cube games utterly uninteresting because of her effortless dominance. When I was power-maxing in another life, she was still far and away the best card in my Modern cube, bar none. She's banned from most - all? - of the cubes on this forum. But lots of non-Elspeth walkers out there are still exciting, fun, interactive, and powerful cube cards. Just how far down can you go from this very high bar, and still make the cut?
Somebody somewhere said that for every extra mana you pay on a card, you should expect it to be 50% better. Ajani's a little better.. but he doesn't look to me like he's an entire half card better. Maybe 5%? 10%? Who knows. I
do know that he bears more than a passing resemblance to the only other all-plus planeswalker, though, and that even at five mana, the original Elspeth might well have been playable, decent, or perhaps even good
All of that text above's really to say: He looks and sounds like the most busted-ass planeswalker of all time. But he costs more. But she was busted as hell. Hell, I'm gonna try him out.