General Jumpstarting your cube drafts

I just did one of these with my family the other day!! I had shocks and fetches in each deck (6 of which were mono-color, two of which were guild colors) to use as fixing. They were balanced so that every deck could fetch a second color from every other deck.

That looks like a near perfect Jumpstart to me, Brad.

There’s plenty of synergy within the pack, but it is open ended enough to interact with whatever it gets paired with. And it’s all tied together with a strong nautical flavour. You just need to make sure you use the Ixalan printing of Opt.
My suggestion would be to let the Basic Islands be one of these three to go with the Ixalan Opt and the theme:

I would make sure my Islands are anything but an actual island ;)

Is there a way to specify an art when posting card images? Other than using an [img ]?

Glad people are liking the designs, Humpty.

Obviously using this plains:
Tribal is a little harder to Jumpstart. Most of the cards are good in Wx aggro-mid kind of a deck, but you might want to cut the Banner and Sanctuary in favor of something more generic and a Vivid. You actually only have 6 Dogs in your 40 card deck. That said, I think there's a good chance we see more dogs, just as we did with dinos, in the next several sets and people will be happy to play Good Boy Aggro if we do.
Tribal is a little harder to Jumpstart. Most of the cards are good in Wx aggro-mid kind of a deck, but you might want to cut the Banner and Sanctuary in favor of something more generic and a Vivid. You actually only have 6 Dogs in your 40 card deck. That said, I think there's a good chance we see more dogs, just as we did with dinos, in the next several sets and people will be happy to play Good Boy Aggro if we do.

It's more of a theme deck like the "under the sea" one than it is an actual tribal thing.
It's more of a theme deck like the "under the sea" one than it is an actual tribal thing.
I mean, there's four cards that are explicitly tribal.

The 5 drop tribal card seems slow for the deck and the land just doesn't pack enough punch for me, although I do love the art and theme of the land. I wish the ability cost 1 or any of those creature types were central to a +1/+1 theme.

... I'm gonna go scryfall those creature types.

EDIT: Farm themed deck not likely.

It was a little hard to choose the burn spells. I tried to go with cards that could benefit from the variety of buffs present. It might make more sense to do a purely larger dudes and sweepers version with Tajic, Legion's Edge, etc. Or a smaller dudes and direct burn version with Satyr Firedancer. There's a lot of flexibility in the whole list.

It should pair really well with red decks, as they'll surely add some burn.

It also feels like this would want fewer taplands, but I did it this way because it seems financially realistic to not run shock-fetch if you need like 20 separate lists to get a format going.
I think Brad hits the head on the nail.

It is important that each jumpstart deck is good to pair with basically all other jumpstart decks.
Add a house rule "lands don't ETB tapped" and you can build a ton of great mana bases for almost no money.
I had Cavalcade but felt like I didn't have THAT many 1 power things and didn't find it likely to pair into a second deck successfully.

Archer, Geopede, and Hellrider will give some much needed triggers while pairing well with anything else that can be aggressive.
I had Cavalcade but felt like I didn't have THAT many 1 power things and didn't find it likely to pair into a second deck successfully.

Archer, Geopede, and Hellrider will give some much needed triggers while pairing well with anything else that can be aggressive.

You're right. I agree with you now.
Needs a cut, not sure what.

Subira, Tulzidi Caravanner seems mediocre in this deck, since many of the creatures within either have a base power much greater than 2 or gain extra power whenever their trigger is met. She doesn't even support the deck's theme all that well. She's the easiest cut.

I think you should add Prismatic Vista to the deck to support Tunneling Geopede as well. Geopede isn't that great to start with, and I don't think it will be able to reach it's potential without help from fetches.


Ecstatic Orb
Subira, Tulzidi Caravanner seems mediocre in this deck, since many of the creatures within either have a base power much greater than 2 or gain extra power whenever their trigger is met. She doesn't even support the deck's theme all that well. She's the easiest cut.

You can actually activate her first ability before the power of the creatures gets pumped. I think she works great with the Pyreling, Spitfire and Torbran!
You can actually activate her first ability before the power of the creatures gets pumped. I think she works great with the Pyreling, Spitfire and Torbran!

I guess, but her second ability doesn't work if they've been pumped, and there are multiple creatures in the deck with a power greater than two. She's fine, but I think she's definitely the easiest cut.