General Jumpstarting your cube drafts

I think Subira can be GG easily with the first ability and still has haste, which makes her decently aggressive. She also provides late game reach.
I thought about Fireslinger, but it just seems so bad. I'm also not big on Spitter, but it seems like the deck needs some 1 drops.
Geopede I'm unsure on, but I adjusted the mana base to buff it a little.
Doesn't really matter. If someone ever builds it, just let us know through testing. Fireslinger could totally be an add.

Jace and Gideon tribal are pretty funny, but I'm a little nervous of walkers in Jumpstart because I wouldn't want to be warping all my removal to be able to target them. They also seem more likely to be able to take over a game when the opponent's deck is an amalgamation of delusional themes.
Jace and Gideon tribal are pretty funny, but I'm a little nervous of walkers in Jumpstart because I wouldn't want to be warping all my removal to be able to target them. They also seem more likely to be able to take over a game when the opponent's deck is an amalgamation of delusional themes.

Oh yeah, completely agree, mostly a joke on my end, but maybe someone will try it out. I will say that opening up that pack would make me very excited to play it and against it. Whereas if someone drafted superfriends in Cube it creates a somewhat feels bad for both players. Cuz one of them feels guilty and one of them dreads it. Jumpstart eliminates that by making it an all-in-one package which makes it more forgivable.

Another of the ideas I really like about Jumpstart is that you can have completely coherent and visually appealing themes which unless you go full custom art (and even then) is a complete nightmare to try to do in Cube. They may not all mesh together perfectly, but two different themes can be recognizable whereas 10 different archetypes all mixed around is not.

Using this nice Bant Plains:
What about making these like 22 cards and letting people cut a few? Could make things a little more cohesive than randomly mashing them together. Would it be worth the trouble of making it not be an immediate shuffle and play?
What about making these like 22 cards and letting people cut a few? Could make things a little more cohesive than randomly mashing them together. Would it be worth the trouble of making it not be an immediate shuffle and play?

I do not see it as a downside that people get to choose 4 cards they are not playing. This gives a feeling of variation and control.

I do see it as a downside that it will most likely be the same cards being cut every time.

I do see it as a downside that players will now want to do land deck construction. They want to include the correct amount of Plains and Forests in their Doggo + Please Sir May I Have Another.
I do see it as a downside that it will most likely be the same cards being cut every time.

I do see it as a downside that players will now want to do land deck construction. They want to include the correct amount of Plains and Forests in their Doggo + Please Sir May I Have Another.
I'm not sure it would be the same cards getting cut every time. Just looking at the last two (serious) decks in the thread, Supa Hot Fiya and Please Sir, I'd think the red deck has such an aggressive angle that you'd be forced to cut some of the slower cards from Please Sir and you'd be left with a decent Rg aggro. Pair Please Sir with Under the Sea and you're looking at a deck which has the ability to play some serious creatures and have options on how to spend mana during the opponent's turn. I don't know what you'd cut there, but it isn't all the slow cards anymore.

I'm not letting anyone build a whole mana base, personally, but 9 lands per pile would allow people to run 16-18 lands based on their deck's speed rather than being stuck with whatever number they get.

I guess it depends how badly your group stresses about cutting cards for their final decks. They could totally run a 44 card 18 lander if they wanted to. The number of cards you give them doesn't matter, I guess. It could be two piles of 25 cards with 9 lands each, that would allow quite a bit of customization, BUT would absolutely require cuts. Still, 5 mins of cuts instead of 30-45 mins to draft is a big upside.

There's a lot of wiggle room, I suppose.

I'm also starting to think that these mash together muuuch easier if they're mono colored and don't run cards that cost 2GGGG or 1RRR.
Monocolored is the way to go. Like Wizards 45 of their 46 Jumpstart decks.

I think if players want 3-colored decks, they should instead be given 3x 20 cards = 60 card decks to all players. But I think 40 is better for synergy consistency.
Also better for storage lol. I might start a thread some time this week in Cube Blogs for my JS idea. blacksmithy's is going so well, I thought I might join.
funny you say that, i actually took my two-color jumpstarts apart this past weekend XD
going to try some mono color packs once i get the paper cube list updated into cube cobra, then maybe finally start on the cube blog for the jumpstarts...
also, has anyone experimented with doing a combination of jumpstarts AND drafting? for example, pick your two jumpstarts, then draft a small artifact pack and a small land pack so that people have a sideboard?
i’ve been thinking about ways to use the whole cube while still simplifying the draft, and that was one option that came to mind.
I thought we'd be alright playing 2c JSs because we aren't opening entirely blind packs, but it's just looking worse to me than mono. Glad your testing confirmed it. I also think this gives us a better chance to add some utility lands. We won't be spreading the mana bases too thin, so a colorless land or two per deck starts to look a lot more appealing.

Maybe a few 2c packs are alright if you felt like there was something worthwhile. Packs do get generally less interesting at one color, although Rats (which I made sarcastically but could be fun), Under the Sea, Supa Hot Fiya, and Please Sir all have some flavor to them while being 1c. Getting several mono color packs that are all interesting for each color? We'll do our best lol.

Could be cool to give people one pack as a draft base, maybe? I won't be mixing the two, as my theoretical JSs are color balanced and wouldn't work with my cube, but there's definitely possibilities.

I'm liking the idea of 2 25 card packs trimmed down to 40 card decks quite a bit. Gives a bit of decision making, likely much more cohesive decks, and doesn't cost too much time.

And I was totally just making fun of your empty thread. :p
funny you say that, i actually took my two-color jumpstarts apart this past weekend XD
going to try some mono color packs once i get the paper cube list updated into cube cobra, then maybe finally start on the cube blog for the jumpstarts...
also, has anyone experimented with doing a combination of jumpstarts AND drafting? for example, pick your two jumpstarts, then draft a small artifact pack and a small land pack so that people have a sideboard?
i’ve been thinking about ways to use the whole cube while still simplifying the draft, and that was one option that came to mind.

Again I know I am repeating myself a lot. Sorry about that. But again this is about how my cube functions.

People get a starter deck depending on their race and class and they play games with those cards and thus earning experience. When they have enough they can level up and unlock new cards and new abilities.
LOL the jumpstart cube blog is the most happening thread on Riptide! XD
I think the mono lists I come up with will go on there once I make them. My wife and I really enjoyed the dual color jumpstarts, but i think the mono lists will be easier to mash up. We definitely found some nonbos and some power imbalance in my dual lists.
Zurgo is in there! :p
Hope is sweet tech. I’d probably make the real list with fewer derpy legends and more 1-drops. Maybe Daring Buccaneer or something
I'm really liking these as a way to keep people occupied should their match finish earlier or just for some quick kicks.

Is this too narrow?

I was thinking that maybe one of the 3 drop phoenix's would be a good fit. I also like Risk Factor, but that might not mesh well with other decks.