I might have used the wrong word when I said "uproar" but it has been 75 % of everyone's first reaction to the spoiler when it comes to THE World Tree. And the next time they will make the centerpiece of the entire plane a non-legendary, Wizards will have disappointed most of their playerbase yet again.
You don't think it's interested to have to think about how many cards you want of a copy instead of simply jamming 4 in there?
From a powermax perspective Autumn Burchett would have wanted 4
Phyrexian Towers in her deck list. But from a game perspective it is much more interesting to have a decision to make that will impact their upcoming tournament. If we look besides the money aspect, Wizards went with the mindless, powermax, 4 of everything variant instead of the flavorful correct, popular by the playerbase and interestingly skilltesting variant.