General Land Storm

A lot of the suggestions in this thread have been great so far.

I adore land synergies, and I think the recursive / graveyard angle that has been suggested by many before me here works wonderfully in Pox.

I also love the 'land-slinging-jamboree' gameplay that a heftily supported fastbond package enables.

Personally, however, I feel like fastbond package leans closer to what I want a storm deck to be doing i.e: slingin'.

I have never been in love with Landfall triggers themselves being the win-condition. Instead, I prefer if the Landfall Triggers contribute to the growth of a secondary resource that enables an explosive, albeit demanding win-con. Sort of like the relationship between accruing Storm-count before casting the actual Storm card.

The aforementioned secondary resource I would use in this case is Life Total. As people have posted, there are quite a few landfall triggers that gain you life (among other things).

I know I said I prefer Fastbond style decks for Storm, but Lifegain through Zuran Orb recursion loops could work with this as well.

Some Interesting Payoffs I like that find an intersection between mana acceleration and lifegain:

I also have wondered how well such a setup could co-exist with a more traditional, Spell focused storm deck focused on lifegain as well...

Anyway, I am unsure if any of this would ever come close to working, but I cannot seem to go a month without thinking about implementing something like this haha.
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Necro'ing the heck out of this like a lad because of this stupid card:

I don't know how I never noticed that this includes lands as a bounce target. Unless I am misunderstanding something, this thing coupled with fastbond and any landfall trigger that gains 1 life enables infinite landfall triggers?

I was considering a list jump to 720 to include fun build around like stuff like Enduring Renewal and Aluren and was looking at Cloudstone as a combo piece. It seems potentially nasty with Tatyova, Benthic Druid and lab-man effects.

I guess in the same vein any bounce land targeting itself on ETB coupled with fastbond and lifegain landfall would yield the same results?

On a completely different note, I opened a Manabond in a MB2 pack and thought it might have potential coupled with some of the more GY focused ideas already posted here.
Hopefully this isn't against the spirit of the thread, but I have been thinking about how some land storm could easily pivot to 'real' storm in a list.

People here have already posted:

Its a really cool card. When trying to ideate low power storm a long time ago I spent a lot of time looking the Time Spiral block.

Song of Creation always reminded me to two pieces from that block somewhat combined / tweaked / buffed:

I think if I were to support land storm and spell storm side by side, Pyromancer's Swath is my favorite 'lynchpin' I can think of.

Turning a couple of the weaker land-oriented burn spells such as:

Into repeatable chain lightnings / lightning bolts is frankly disgusting.

Swath plays well with a lot of the Future Sight-esque effects posted to help with land-slinging strategies.

So much of the focus of land storm ideas seem to involve binning a ton of fodder for Mana generation. This constant fueling of the GY enables something like Underworld Breach to pop-off.

Breach is already gross with:

And Pyromancer's Swath assists with both fueling of the GY and turns Grapeshot into one hell of a sucker-punch.

Not a direct link but if you support Dragonstorm and / or Dragon Tribal, Avaricious Dragon plays into the whole 'Discard the heck out of your hand' plan a little bit. However, it might be a little to cute as I don't think Dragonstorm wants to be binning so haphazardly, so I worry this guy is only viable as a curve-topper in a hellbent-aggro oriented shell.

And as a final note, my favorite Storm art in the world:

Probably sucks, most likely will never be a viable win-con, but hey its Oracle text includes both the words 'land' and 'Storm', so why not include it for people to think about.
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Sorry @Nanonox I'll stop spamming the heck out of your thread soon lmao. Just completely forgot about:

Absolutely bonkers good card that intersects both variants of storm in a single cube slot.
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I've been trying Chatterstorm and Awaken the woods and there's little information about it, so perhaps I should talk a bit about my experiences.

First, this is a fantastic piece for a plethora of decks. Naturally, it's great in combo decks by ramping you one turn before going off. But it's also a perfect card for Aristocrats, as it provides both mana and sacrifice fodder. Both in deckbuilding and the overall composition of the cube, it fills a double slot as token generator and ramp.

It is a very powerful card, slighty above Tinker and Balance but about par with Urza's Saga and a bit below Mox Diamond. What makes it acceptable in my eyes is that it's best in decks that always felt lacking. If you could cram it into goodstuff decks, it wouldn't feel right to me, but, frankly, Aristocrats and Lands could use the boost.

That said, there are a couple patterns that aren't very fair. For me the biggest one is playing it turn 1 with Mox Diamond, since four mana on turn 2 is just brutal. I'm less worried about boosting it with free spells on turn 2, since it requires very specific drafting, but it's still strong.
Sorry @Nanonox I'll stop spamming the heck out of your thread soon lmao.
Don't you dare!

Sorry ahead of time for the scattered thoughts, don't have a ton of time to clean up the post!


This is a very cool landfall enabler and can be played fairly or unfairly. It basically makes your lands into bouncelands a concept I haven't fully explored yet.

A sweet combo card for bouncelands is Kodama of the East Tree (it also works with Meloku the Clouded Mirror FWIW).

+ +

Or any landfall token maker (Tireless Tracker, Tireless Provisioner, Toggo, Goblin Weaponsmith, Emeria Angel, ...).

The cool part here, is that Cloudstone Curio can replace the bounceland and make the combo work! Living Twister + Forest could replace a bounceland too, making infinite Landfall triggers.

Another potential Storm card

This doubles your landfall triggers, but can also just wins with some triggers like Palinchron. Seems messy to resolve alongside the Curio though...

On another note, MH3 has brought along solid options for land combo. Some of these would fit nicely with your idea of filling the GY and a more traditional Storm deck.

Skittering Precursor goes very well alongside the various land sacrifice effects netting you even more mana. What do you do with that mana? How about

This can close out the game or keep the mana flowing by allowing you to recoup all the lands you've binned. Also works with Loam and Slogurk to empty your hand.

Six offers you a free way to discard lands for value. Depending on your engine, maybe you want more cards with a Mishra's Bauble or a way to close out the game with Seal of Fire as a powered up Flame Jab. Either way, you are hitting all the right notes to do something busted.

Wight of the Reliquary getting you specific lands is a nice bonus as you can get finishers or mana. You can really go off if you have untappers like Paradox Engine and something like Bloodghast, Gravecrawler or the aforementioned Skittering Precursor.

I don't know what to do with The Necrobloom, but filling the GY and the board seems trivial if you have any sort of Lands engine running. Stuff like Hedge Shredder could allow you to convert the milled cards into mana which seems sweet!

There are some new Landfall win conditions in

Vinelasher has the advantage of working in both grindy and explosive lands decks and closing the game out pretty quickly. Hydra is more dicey, but gets huge really quickly.
Flubs is one of the first cards i've seen in awhile, where after the initial
"Ah ha! That's a commander! You can't trick me into thinking that's a magic card!", I looked at it further and thought,
"oh, that actually doesn't have too many words on it"
"hey, that's a pretty cute marriage of Growth Spiral and Hellbent themes"
"but i bet the colors are slightly off like it's bant or something"
"oh it's actually temur?! well shit"
There's a lotta "whenever" cards here, turns might go a little long in these games,
so here's some "one-shot" cards (idk, you might manage to bring back later or something, can't imagine how!)

Card images aren't searchable, so it's a smidge difficult to be certain that people haven't already posted:

barbarian ring, mudflat village, centaur garden, (insert your favorite Trokair land, imo they're both cool)

buried ruin, tectonic edge, crystal vein, inventors fair

i'd love to see the full list-so-far if anyone's put it together!