I think these cards might be a little above retail level. Don't misread me, they fit perfectly fine in a retail format, but they are also just good cards you can play outside of that setting with the correct infrastructure. Abiding Grace is actually a card on my short list to test.Also, thinking back to "dumb retail-level combos"...
You got me after your sales speech.I am trying to convince everyone since this card was spoiled.
i am actually doing this in my artisan cube lol
Not a two card combo, but you can get back another 1-drop you sacrifice to Awakener, then use your 4/4 until it dies, get back the Awakener, get back the 1-drop to flip it again, and so on.
No, No, Borderline but probably not.Like, would Sidisi's Faithful be too strong of an interaction? How about Loyal Sentry? Archfiend's Vessel?