The one I've had moderate luck with is
Which has played a decent enough role in tempo decks.
If you're looking for inspiration for cheap blue card draw, I have just the post for you
Omen is a bad Ponder, and people will evaluate it as that. You'll always have the feeling you're overpaying byfor that effect.
Words of Wisdom is an instant, which is nice, as that means you get to use the cards first. That said, it always feels bad to give your opponent free cards.
Manipulate Fate seems... bad? In the late game exiling three lands is obviously nice, but this isn't something you can play on turn 2 I reckon.
See Beyond is decent, actually, as you can shuffle away a late game threat that you can't cast for the next few turns anyway and keep relevant early game interaction. That said, it isn't card advantage, because you draw two and lose two (See Beyond itself and the card you shuffle back).
I think all of these work quite well in a lower power environment. Strategic Planning is nice in graveyard based strategies, Telling Time is just a quality card quality improvement card (heh, nice sequence of words), Think Twice provides straight up card advantage across two turns, is an instant, and plays well with self-mill and the like, and Treasure Hunt draws a business spell every time. I think I like all of these better than your four, except maybe See Beyond.
Fits very well into Grillo's work on 'programmable' decks in RTL cubes.
And I am starting to think See Beyond is also a tad under the radar. Being able to shuffle away the not-so-relevant thing early with a chance to draw it later, when you do want it, seems very good. Similarly with a late game dud you never want to see again.
Does anyone have any opinions on these? I'm looking at putting together a lower powered draw suite for new cube.
Can you be a little bit more specific as to what you are looking for? These are all really weird cards, and I would only be serious about any of them in a truly limited format just because of the bad optics (though see beyond is probably fine).
I'm planning on incorporating most of the options that you listed. I was looking mainly for a 2 cmc spell to supplement Think Twice.
I'm caving in the horse's skull right now with a sledgehammer, but I want to make sure it's good and dead...
I'm caving in the horse's skull right now with a sledgehammer, but I want to make sure it's good and dead...
Cycle lands look like crap. But here's the thing, they are the intersection where theory-crafting and magical Christmas land meet reality. I don't care how tight your drafting and deck buiiding skills are or how fantastically aggressive you are with your mulligans. There are games you wind up with hands that don't play well.
Would you prefer to have a land that doesn't ETB tapped? Of course. I'd prefer the land was an ABU dual probably or something even more broken. But there are too many times (I find anyway), where the game is going to just be over if you don't either play an ETB tapped land or don't get the card you need on the next draw (or right now). And being able to cycle for stupid cheap or play these as a slow colored mana source - in actual game play and not in magical christmas land goldfish world where all my cards fall together like a spy novel - is hugely powerful.
Maybe the tightest cubes lists where Karmic Guide is chaff can't afford the tempo hit from cycle lands. But I would bet most cubes here not only can afford it, but would benefit from their addition. I'd even go further and say they are not last picks in a lot of decks and can be in the main cube.