@Brad--the idea sprung from how disappointed I was with Masters 25 when it came out, so originally I built a masters set with the requisite 101 commons, 53 uncommons, 53 rares, and 15 mythics just to prove that I, a bipedal mollusk, could make a better set. I've lost the original version on an old hard drive somewhere, but I wanted to make a ~540 cube with the same rules--"lands or spells from every Vintage-legal Magic set that introduced original cards"--as that seemed like that would be an interesting take on a museum cube. So yes, I'll be including a card from each Commander year, Conspiracy, Portal, etc., but I'll also be doing my best to include at least one card from each Un-set, because they're definitely part of the game's history. To do so, I'm combing through each set for something interesting that really captures the flavor of that particular era of Magic, and then once I've grabbed at least one card from every set I'll go back and flesh things out with cube staples. Hence why I'm looking at stuff like
Brine Shaman over
Brainstorm at the moment. It's a neat card, but it's a lot easier to add in brainstorm later than something like this. That and I want to have as flat a distribution of cards as I can, so I'm trying to grab less-obvious cards first. Plus, it seems tolerable as a Black card, though it encourages going into UB, which is a flexibility + push I value highly.
The upside is, of course, that I'm not limiting myself to a single card from each set! So yes, I have a couple more-traditional cards from 5DN, but those I largely feel comfortable evaluating. I'll post this Cube once I feel I have a plausible draft, but right now I'm still working through sets to grab a card from each.
You're absolutely right about the color requirement on Ball Lightning being a beating, but it'll provide something cool for mono-Red decks. I'm hoping that one wouldn't mind casting this off-curve, as even T6 this would still force some sort of trade.
Thunderblust is a cool variant on this type of thing, and I'd likely round out the archetype with
Hellspark Elemental,
Hell's Thunder, and
Impetuous Devils. They also fit thematically with various Dash cratures.
Chandra, Acolyte of Flame and
Feldon of the Third Path are perfectly respectable cube candidates that already have this sort of theme in mind, with the latter working REALLY well with this type of creature.
And yeah, Lightning Skelemental is gross. It might be too good for a museum environment like this one, but it requires such a strict color requirement that I want to consider it. I actively try to make my multicolor cards and my CCC cards very strong to encourage changing direction during a draft. (I think that's how that works?

Thanks for the input on Brigid, Japahn! I'm thinking of her as a fixed
Magus of the Moat. Hopefully at 540 I'll see her just the right number of times. And yeah,
Beacon of Destruction seems like a YuGiOh "heart of the cards" type of thing, which can be really fun in VERY small doses. I do try to cut down on shuffle effects as much as possible, but a few are fine.