Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

Is this card good? Is it worth the risk of getting 2-for-1'd? Is it a nice bridge between reanimator, blink and sacrifice?

Is this card good? Is it worth the risk of getting 2-for-1'd? Is it a nice bridge between reanimator, blink and sacrifice?
it’s fine if you want more redundancy for the waker of waves style reanimator decks in low power. will easily wheel to the player in that deck as it’s tough to justify otherwise.
It was pretty strong in one of my cube's iterations. So much so that I cut it because people didn't like playing against it. It was a lower powered environment tho.
It was pretty strong in one of my cube's iterations. So much so that I cut it because people didn't like playing against it. It was a lower powered environment tho.

Was it only good in reanimator or did you have other experiences than blacksmithy here?
for context, i draft someone else’s arena peasant cube and i often go for the waker of waves reanimator control deck. as long as i’ve got early floater type creatures i will usually maindeck this in that archetype
It was good in M20, but it's slow even by that format's standards. I like how it makes it possible to encourage reanimation decks to play a grindier game than usual, but that's a tradeoff you're making if you run this. As Modin and Blacksmithy say, it can be a pretty powerful package.
I liked it, but I'm cutting down to just a few value reanimation spells and likely won't run it.

If you run Colossal Skyturtle, E Wit (and variants), etc, I'd slam Blood for Bones in there because that's such a cool inevitability plan.

Hell... I may have just convinced myself... Wish I could run Skyturtle... Maybe one Simic card??? Maybe???
I liked it, but I'm cutting down to just a few value reanimation spells and likely won't run it.

If you run Colossal Skyturtle, E Wit (and variants), etc, I'd slam Blood for Bones in there because that's such a cool inevitability plan.

Hell... I may have just convinced myself... Wish I could run Skyturtle... Maybe one Simic card??? Maybe???
skyturtle is a mono green regrowth variant that is also a UB reanimator target
Do you mean Bloodthristy Aerialist?

I don't, but it still seems super slow. You're 5 mana in for your first 3 life gained. I wanted artifacts and lifegain to matter and have an environment with more food prodution for this card to be fine, even in retail power level.
No, Bloodthirsty Adversary. You cast it for the "make three artifacts" front side, then flash it back to turn two of those artifacts into a 7/7 body.

I like cards, that can swing around a game, but maybe this is too much? If you're getting beaten down, casting a one-sided wrath with a 4/5 flier attached seems pretty nuts. Does it ever really play like that?
generally speaking, if 6 mana is the going rate for wraths, i’d rather have phyrexian rebirth or kirtars wrath so i can kill ALL their dudes and not just the ones that attacked last turn
Yeah, but Mimic Vat would be really broken in my cube, like the ultimate first pick.

I want the Angel to support Wx control decks but I fear it will lead to a little too much of a comeback regularly, like killing 4 creatures on etb when you were about to lose next turn, and now you're straight up winning.
is that… not what a wrath is designed to do?
EDIT: this is hilarious with momentary blink effects if you have any of those
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Wraths are supposed to enable comebacks, sure, but being able to Plague Wind for 7 while adding a chonky angel is a little bit more dramatic than resetting the board to zero.
I ran Sunblast Angel for a while, and it was a mixed bag. Sometimes it felt even underpowered (in stalled boards you don't even want to cast it) but when it worked, it was pretty absurd.

I would guess it would not be too strong in Ravnic's cube, since you don't really slam alpha strikes in each other that often in that environment from the experience I have with the list, but in my cube it was often too swingy.